No golfing while dead solders exists, Obama!

This guy is becoming my favorite. He just puts so many random things into the picture! Hugo Chaves? Big Brother? It's Where's Waldo for crazy people!

Wow, Michelle Obama's accent is spot on! Laura Bush sure didn't talk like ghetto trash when she...never answered press questions.

OK, I'm sorry, this is not scary, it is just trippy.

Yep, liberals are the lockstep doctrinaire ones!
There's a really wild thread about an assault on a trans woman in a McDonald's, http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2709377/posts?q=1&;page=101 , including this gem from hiredhand:
ReplyDelete"Too many parents trust the public school systems to raise their children, trust the church to teach them about God, and trust the bathroom at McDonalds to be a safe place. Let me recount to you something that happened back around 2003 or so when my daughter was 8 or 9.
We were in Walmart and she needed to pee. So I took her to the ladies room at the back of the store and made her go in to see who was in there. I listened. She came back and said it was empty. So I told her to go on in and make it quick. A few minutes after she entered, a woman entered. I was standing just outside the door. A few minutes after that, I cracked the door and called my daughter's name. ...silence. I called again....silence. So I went in. The woman who had gone in a few minutes earlier was standing there with a disgusted look on her face and she told me that I had some nerve. I saw my daughter's feet under a stall door and asked if she was O.K. She said she was. I asked the lady if her name was the name I was calling out. She didn't answer me. I looked around the room and said, "Look. There's TWO people in here. YOU and that small child. I'm obviously not hovering outside the door for YOU. The next time a parent calls to a child, you better answer or you're liable to end up meeting another man in the ladies room!"
She barged out. When I entered, I had already unsnapped the primary keep on my shoulder holster and had my right hand on the grip of a 1911 .45 ACP that I carry. I don't think she noticed. My daughter said she simply didn't hear me... go figure.
Parents trust too many things they ought not. Cross dressing perverts pretty much get what they deserve, including having the crap kicked out them by the black girls at McDonalds. "
For the "Trippy, not scary" pic, I can't even tell who that's supposed to be. Lil help?
ReplyDeleteIt's SOROS, of course, in his garb as psychedelic acid-demon.
ReplyDeleteI saw the McDonalds thing, there were a bunch of threads on it - Freepers were pretty excited about it. But most of it was infighting about whether to be racist or homophobic and didn't translate well into cut-and-paste form.
I do like how the Freeper was about ready to shoot a woman for the unpardonable offense of calling him "disgusting."