Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday Potpourri pt. 1

Da Coyote wants the House to go Julius Caesar on John Boehner.
Get rid of the sod.


Any way you’d like.

We promise to look the other way.
In a wise move, sergeantdave threatens Eric Holders' protection detail.
As for you mercenary racist pigs guarding Holder, you best believe that we know where you live.
ilovesarah2012 is as hateful as any antisemite:
I am sick to my stomach that muslims are in my country.
harpu thinks Wendy Davis stole her elections by cunningly getting more votes:
Wendy stole the election when she first got elected to the Texas senate because the incumbent (Kim Brimer), a long time republican, took the race for granted and got snookered by the black, brown, and female vote.

She got reelected because the same thing happened when her opponent (a physician) sat on his ass and didn't work the constituency like he should have.

Windy Davis is bitch, and became a pawn in the DNC's turn Texas Blue campaign. She really is trailer trash from Rhode Island and is done in Texas politics.
dfwgator thinks every fire is terrorism.
Fire in DC Metro today and last week.

Now this.


In France, young Muslims burn cars all the time.

There are no coincidences.
re_nortex is stirring the pot Re: Football:
I just found out on another thread that the entire NFL is complicit in supporting child murdering. I had wrongly thought that it was confined to only Jerry Jones and the Cowboys. But since the whole outfit is in league with satan's schemes, my nearly 60 years of enjoying pro football have come to an end. Sure, it's just one old guy, but I simply can't support those who support this unspeakable evil.
If Mohammed is so awesome, mjp asks, why isn't he found in the Bible?
1)Jesus - virgin born
Mohammed - not virgin born

2)Jesus - sinless
Mohammed - sinful

3)Jesus - called "Messiah"
Mohammed - not called "Messiah"

4)Jesus - called "Word of God"
Mohammed - not caled "Word of God"

5)Jesus - performed miracles
Mohammed - did not perform miracles

6)Jesus - ascended bodily into heaven
Mohammed - did not ascend bodily into heaven
Inevitably, Sarah Barracuda blames Obama for the terrorism in France.
Obama wasn’t there because he was too busy celebrating the attacks..Obama told the UN that those who insult the Prophet will pay the Obama knows he has blood on his hands but he doesn’t care..he got the “Justice” that he wanted for his Prophet
sportutegrl has an amusingly incorrect conspiracy theory:
As for Holder, I was mystified as to why he was even participating in the “security” meeting. He’s the retiring Attorney General, for Pete’s sake, . . .

Don't you mean, "retiring" AG? Holder isn't retiring, he will have to get yanked out of office when Obama leaves. That lie was just pre-2014 election talk.
huldah1776 can't find the "No Obamas" clause in the Constitution:
I have to tell you, I am truly disappointed in our Constitution. It does NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING to protect us from a dictator.
manc uses racist slurs all the time, and he turned out great!
So Pakis’ are Pakistani’s but for some reason that abbreviation is deemed racist and yet it is alright to say Krauts, Aussies, Frogs, Aussies, Paddies, Jocks, and Turks.

It’s all PC and I still call them Pakis and bring this up when anyone there states it is racist.
central_va is not a fan of anyone calling a slaveholder's morality into doubt:
My comment was that his "Give me liberty, or give me death" is kind of hollow coming from a man who owned slaves.

This does not mean I voted for Obama.
This does not mean I like Al Sharpton.
This does not mean I worship Satan.

Don't think for a minute I consider you my countrymen. You are a gnat that needs to be shoo'ed.
twister881 re: a fire in a Washington DC metro station.
Major hangout for pickle sniffers trolling for sodomy. Maybe they ran out of lube in the men’s room, and the friction caused a combustible event.
RaceBannon defends George Zimmerman's latest violent outburst:
How come there was never any arrest of George Zimmerman BEFORE Trayvon Martin got shot?

George Zimmerman was clearly unable to handle the insults, the public assaults on him, the constant lies, the constant need to watch his back due to death threats from Spike Lee followers...

George Zimmerman was made into this because he felt he had no where to go

I do feel sorry for him. He was too much of a wimp to let a 17 year old kick his 35 year old butt, then goes through the trial, the death threats, the lack of personal privacy...He is most likely NOW half nuts because of all that
Liam Neeson saying something anti-gun prompts muir_redwoods to explain why acting is fascism.
He’s made a nice living doing what he’s told, saying what others tell him to say. That’s his world view; complete control by others. Of course he’s opposed to an armed population.
lavaroise on Boehner and Obama's suicidal behavior...?
Frankly, the suicidal behavior of Boehner drinking a lot and Obama snorting coke are assaults themselves on the Presidency, but so it goes the FBI will not go after that. Aren’t we in good hands with liberalism...
Dr. Bogus Pachysandra and a discussion he totally had with a liberal friend:
A lib friend was over the other days helping me with some computer issues. He saw that I had Drudge on my address bar. He started complaining about Drudge being a nazi, etc. I asked him if he’d ever been to Drudge. He said, “Of course not!” So I took him to Drudge. Ha! He immediately saw that it was a news collection site, containing only links to news articles in newspapers and such media. He was quite surprised! I told him that, “Sure, Drudge slants to the right. You go to Huffpo, which slants to the left. I go to all sorts of sites, including Huffpo, and make up my own mind, following leads and links given.”
Naturally, other Freepers yell at him for having a liberal friend.

camle tries to maximize the benefits of nasties.
can we substitute ‘democrats’ for ‘obama’? barry-o is a lame duck and any criticism has a very limited effect if we direct it solely at him, but if we include democrats generically, the nasties will yield more benifit


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Autocorrect sucks.

      As I wanted to say....
      I wonder how Twister881 knows where the hot "Pickle Sniffing" locations are

    2. Perk of donating monthly?
      Or maybe they have a ping list.
