I'm perverse. Besides my Free Republic habit, I listen to a lot of right wing radio. My usual reaction is bemusement, and sometimes pity. But Dick Morris's cynicism just gets to me. What a tool! You'd think Freepers might be a bit skeptical of the dude who thought it'd be Hillary-Condoleezza Rice in 2008 calculates there will be a Romney landslide. Freepers have
never been ones to turn down validation, even this.
Buckeye McFrog is short and sweet:
OK, I get it. I get it. Morris is wrong more often than the National Hurricane Forecast. But it appears he is pretty much on-target with this guess.
GilesB is feeling California:
With an approval rating that low, that spells more trouble for 0. I have suspected for some time that 0 internals do not look very exciting in CA, and approvals of barely 50% in a dark blue state spells big trouble. Lowered d enthusiasm means lower d turnout. The GOP base should be emboldened and enthusiastic. Although the tracking polls won’t show it, the CA vote could be much closer than people predict....and it is possible that the boatload of CA EVs could go to Romney.
Call me crazy - but I’m saying it’s possible. Despite the color on all of the EV maps, CA is not as solid for the Big 0 as everybody thinks.
wayoverontheright lays out the case:
Let's remember some of the "effects" that may be in play for our side.
1-The Bradley effect. The experience that whites don't want to openly say when polled they're against the black guy.
2-As someone else pointed out on the thread-the fact that undecideds typically go 80% for the challenger.
3-The enthusiasm gap. This typically manifests itself in certain apoliticals who just aren't excited enough to get off the sofa and turn out for someone they're just not wild about. Republicans are livid, wired, you know...."broken glass".
4-The embarrassment factor among blacks. Obama's embarrassed many of them. After the first debate many are embarrassed FOR him. They'll want him off the stage. They won't vote for Romney, but the story of this election will be how blacks stayed home in significant numbers, IMHO.
gswilder knows Obama's Get Out the Vote plan is desperate.
what do you sense as the state of the race? Not who you want to win, but who looks like they are winning. What are the fundamental issues of the election? This all points to a Romney win. I wanted McCain/Palin to win. But by mid-October, I knew Obama was going to win. The crowds, the way the campaign was acting and reacting. Right now, Romney is drawing HUGE crowds. A lot of late donations. Romeny doing big picture stuff (did you see Ryan’s poverty speech today? excellent) Romney doing a major economic speech Friday in Iowa.
What is Obama doing? Talking about small issues. Flying around all night in a gimmicky GOTV effort. Romney is calm and self assured. Obama flailing around, throwing stuff at the wall.
Have faith my friends. I really don’t think this will be a razor thin Romney win. 52/47 Romney and 300+ EVs.
meadsjn also with California turning. Is this some kinda long-buried Freeper dream?
I'm predicting Obama loses by 59% to 39% minimum spread in the popular vote, 395 to 140 Electoral Votes, and that any rioting will be confined to only a few inner-city locations.
Heck, the enthusiasm among Democrat voters is so bad, even CA might go Republican.
Black voters aren't turning out. Obama is down from 2008 in every single demographic; down 22% from 2008 among Independents (one third of the entire electorate); and he has totally lost the blue-collar working Democrats.
Haiku Guy has no argument, just yells about Obama.
If you are thinking landslide, then pull out all the stops to make the landslide as big as possible.
I don’t want these guys to lose. I want them to be beaten. I want them to be crushed. I want them to get a drubbing so bad that it will be years before anybody admits being a Democrat in public.
Let the name of Obama be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all pylons and obelisks, stricken from every monument of the land. Let the name of Obama be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time. < /SETHI>
Need more serenity, Haiku Guy!
FerociousRabbit must have different polls in VA and FL than I see.
Dick Morris is a broken clock. This time, however, is one of those times where the broken clock just happens to be correct.
We were told of the battleground states in the south that Obama carried last time, VA, NC, FL. All have moved to solid Romney.
We were told Obama had CO. It is now solid Romney by most accounts.
IA was Obama country. It is now leaning Romney in recent polls.
NH and WI are supposed Democrat strongholds... now within the margin of error.
OH is tied.
Gallop had Romney up by 6 or 7. It was considered an outlier. Now Ras has moved towards the outlier. Less than two weeks to go so there is little Obama can do to stop the rising of this particular ocean.
Well, it's nice to see they're trusting the polls again, I guess, even if only a small subset.
LibLieSlayer knows ya gotta have faith in Morris:
Dick has access to polling data we are not allowed to see.
goldstategop doesn't need the science.
I agree with Dick Morris.
Its not based on anything scientific - just a feeling we’re looking at a landslide.
The polls are all converging now and state polls - always lagging indicators, appear to be following suit.
And folks on Intrade are dumping once sure fire Obama stocks as fast as they can.
I mean, if you're counting chickens already, why not go all the way? If Romney wins, no one will remember this false triumphalism, and it feels so good!