Freepers, military experts all, school Obama with their special version of the facts:
Bloody Sam Roberts explains how vital bayonets are to the modern military, on acounta he found a picture:
The below pic is an M-16 combat rifle affixed with a bayonet.holden knows no one can understand the military unless they've been in it. Also, no Democrats are ever in the military:
Some things just never go out of style Mr. Obama.
I think Gov. Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time studying how our military works.Voter62vb kinda skips over the debate to the Romney landslide:
Projection of his own inadequacies, as a typical Democrat. Knowledge about the military to them is always some form of book learning, at best.
Not unsurprisingly, the left (like Bill Maher) Tweeted with cathartic joy in regard to Obama’s snotty reply.O6ret lambastes Obama for not having sci-fi technology:
Have to think that Romney would have rather unloaded what he really thought but is now sure he has to battle (and somehow “work with” ) these pukes for the next 4 to 8 years.
A resounding landslide victory will be beneficial. But then unlike the aftermath of 2010, the landslide must be heavily pounded on the heads of the leftist machine to squelch the upcoming fleas on the tail of the dog that want to wag the world and reality.
Zero is so up on the latest technology....that’s why he used the real-time drone video to save his ambassador in Benghazi.grobdriver knows nothing can defend against swarm tactics! Which is why Poland destroyed Nazi Germany:
Truth be told he was probably peeing in his pants thinking that Hillary would launch an attack and he would have his own Blackhawk Down just in time for the election.
More Obama/Liberal crap.Celtic Conservative knows when you've lost the talk radio vote, you've lost crazy America:
Of course it's about counting ships. A few highly capable ships at the bottom of the ocean serve no one. The fewer the ships, the more resources the bad guys can throw at each one. No capabilities can defeat swarming.
Reagan had it right about increasing the size of our blue water Navy. Means more jobs and better defense capabilities.
The phrase I have heard from local radio personalities and coworkers about this response from Obummer run along the lines of "condescending prick". If they've noticed it, doubtless many others have as well. His snarky riposte has likely cost him some votes.Doogle makes with the name calling:
....his smugness is only surpassed by his ignorance. The all knowing little boy king has been out of his league since his madrassa days...
bunkerhill7 knows sarcasm is an Indonesian trait: We have [”we own”] these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go under water, nuclear submarines.”
It appears to be something a 5th grader foreigner from Indonesia who has never been exposed to anything nautically military would say in trying to explain what a navy is. But it slipped because apparently he reverted to Bhasa phraseology.
No American would talk like this - shows he has no American roots. Obummer`s a foreigner plant.
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