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Kaslin drags out this hoary shibboleth
As Dr. Lyle Rossiter says Liberals have a mental disorderCrucial gets to the bottom of liberals' emotional issues:
I think liberals believe deep down that they’re never supposed to feel all the negative emotions that come with being human. They can’t stand to feel shame and fear particularly. They think themselves above such emotions and either ignore them or overcompensate for them. They become narcissistic as a result.Talisker agrees, but wants to go derper:
I think liberals believe deep down that they’re never supposed to feel all the negative emotions that come with being human.TigersEye thinks it's liberals' Buddhist rejection of tradition that is to blame:
"Not suppose to"? Perhaps. But I think you're being too kind. I think they flat-out reject them. Liberals are having a two year old's temper tantrum against the difficulties of accepting personal responsibility for their own lives that they never get out of, because they are rewarded for indulging that narcissism by Leftists who demand obedience and votes for protecting it.
Because liberals tend to think they're smarter than all those old dead people simply by virtue of being liberal, they tend to ignore those conventions and create disorder and havoc around themselves in the process.Christian1 has a list of generalization that have amazed him!I recall hearing a short teaching in Buddhism similar to that. It goes something like; you shouldn't do things like wear your shoes on your head or casually throw your clothes on the floor because acting in a disordered way like that causes confusion in others.
What many people don't understand, and liberals almost militantly deny, is that people are not all equal mentally and emotionally. Some are quite strong-willed and/or brilliant while others are very fragile and/or stupid. And all ranges in between as well of course. When you act in a crazy or careless manner just for fun or out of apathy towards your own actions you do great harm to those who don't have the capacity to understand.
Tradition, order and mindfulness are very valuable and stabilizing qualities that go much further than simply being useful to the person who practices them.
Honoring one's parents and ancestors is important for those reasons among others.
Liberals are driven by jealousy and laziness.driftless2 discusses how liberals are all unhappy because they hate America, which makes them feel worthless:
I am amazed at the sheer number of lefties on sickness benefits,yet,can still go out and party.
The lefties resent you having your own business and owning your home.
The liberals can´t think for themselves, they need NANNY to dictate their every moves.
Liberal can´t cope with you having your own views, they will label you as soon as they think you are anti-gay, anti-islam and so on.
Liberals will side with the ennemy of their country.
While there are some liberals who legitimately feel like they're changing the worldLonesome in Massachussets on the sluttiness of liberal women:(and they are...for the worse), there are quite a few who are trying to make up for feelings of worthlessness. You know, as in the saying: get a life. These people find liberalism and the daily or annual crusades to "save the world" or some other cause gives their lives meaning.
Many libs are atheists and dislike or hate their own country as well. So they feel unrooted and not part of the country. Strangers in their own land...unless they live in California or other centers of liberalism. Groupthink is popular with libs in these places, and it's easier to shut off outside influences i.e. conservatism. Inside the lib conclaves they can practice group hate directed at evil conservatives. Since conservatives on average are happier with their lives and love their country and therefore don't see the need to protest everything, they're natural targets of libs who are far unhappier and need a villain or villains to give their lives meaning.
Funny, but back in the day, I came to the same conclusion as P.J. O'Rouke, that a lot of guys affect liberal attitudes 'cause liberal chicks are easy. I just never went as far as him.Oratam knows liberals are all emotion, and brook no dissent, unlike those rational Freepers.
Most liberals have arrived at being liberal not through reason (e.g. “Having studied the principles of liberalism and conservativism,and having compared the two, I find liberalism to be superior.”) but through emotion (e.g. “I feel that we should do something about this problem.”).Attacking the challenger? Doesn't sound familiar at all...
As a consequence they are unable to rationally defend their positions . . . because they weren’t reached through reason to begin with. They never permit their “faith” to be challenged. Instead they attack the challenger. Most aren’t equipped to offer a reasoned argument in defense of their liberalism.
MasterGunner01 also thinks liberals get angry when people disagree, which makes MasterGunner01 angry.
Vision on the imaginary world Liberals live in, based on all the mainstream stuff they watch and read:Liberals live in little bubbles of imagined reality and will do anything and everything to maintain that bubble or illusion. In the Liberal’s mind, the end justifies any means to get their way. To say Liberals are immoral is a contradiction in terms; Liberals are AMORAL in that their “morals” are situational and can change in an instant.
Liberals, no matter what their age in years, remain in a perpetual state of arrested development. For a Liberal everything is about THEM, and whatever the THEM wants, they think everyone else should be coerced into accepting it too. Disagreement is NOT allowed.
Liberals live in an imaginary world.Kaslin has come to a pithy conclusion:They obsessively cram liberal newspapers, tv news, etc into their heads and when the fantasy world is threatened they lash out.
There are no smart liberals. They are all dumb and ignorant
Once again, Freepers prove they have no idea how liberals think.
ReplyDeleteThese threads are the best threads. I could probably write a doctoral thesis based on these if I worked at it.