Thursday, April 5, 2012

Petrolium "Science"

Another tiny little nut of rare, quality crazy uncovered by an anonymous benefactor/commenter!

This one is Freepers on how oil will never run out, and burning it is awesome:

George from New England knows God's plan:

Fossil fuel is solar energy from centuries ago. God put it there for us to harvest.

alloysteel lays out why burning hydrocarbons is our DUTY!

Oxygen does not exist in elemental form, EXCEPT when the effects of sunlight falling on a most complex biological substance called “chlorophyll”, found in green growing plants, converts water and carbon dioxide into some form of carbohydrate and - oxygen. In the absence of green growing plants, oxygen gets depleted in the atmosphere.

But plants cannot grow, except with the presence of carbon dioxide. Literally. And what is the one product of combusion that the EPA wants to regulate? Carbon dioxide. Not a poison, not a pollutant, it is a vital part of the life cycle. The REAL poison, astonishingly, is the highly reactive element, oxygen, which kills off any life form that is not adapted to absorbing the oxygen for energy release. This kind of life form is mostly classified as “anaroebic”, and cannot live in the presence of even minute quantities of oxygen.

Carbon dioxide is plant food. It is our DUTY to create as much of this compound as we are able, and in doing so, convert the energy released to useful work.

By similar logic, humans need salt to live, so an all-salt diet is AWESOME!

TruthInThoughtWordAndDeed proves partisanship + internet equals SCIENCE!

1) Petroleum products are NOT “fossil” fuels. Petroleum is produced naturally in the crust of the Earth from three compounds subjected to high pressure. They are calcium carbonate (chalk), ferrous oxide (rust), and water.

2) Petroleum IS a “renewable” resource.

3) Petroleum is a GREAT mechanism for storing energy - as opposed to solar and wind.

4) Petroleum behaves well at room temperature. It can be handled by your average Joe.

5) When burned, petroleum produces carbon dioxide and water. In other words, moist plant food. The more carbon dioxide you produce, the more vegetation you get.


  1. Replies
    1. I love the smell of Freeper Madness in the morning

  2. Some amusing background on "TruthInThoughtWordAndDeed"'s rantings:

    The theory of abiogenic petroleum origin (Wikipedia it) or "abiotic oil" is literally the Lysenkoism of petroleum geology. It was a theory developed by Soviet geologists in the 1940s in response to Stalin's demands for the oil that Soviet tanks and bombers would need to fight WW3 against the capitalists. Just like Lysenkoism, it was pure ideological pseudoscience that never produced any useful results (freezing seed corn stubbornly failed to produce any Siberian-winter-proof New Soviet Crops, and Stalin's abiotic-oil geologists likewise failed to locate any oil deposits that wouldn't have been predicted just as accurately by regular bourgeois geology)

    Basically, the wingnuts claiming that "oil is a renewable resource" are in fact (presumably unwittingly) recycling Stalin-era Soviet propaganda. It's hilariously ironic. I'm not sure exactly how or when this bit of pseudoscience made the jump from the academies of the former USSR to the American far right, but I expect it's not unrelated to the general love-hate relationship the right has with totalitarianism (we all know they'd put Democrats in gulags if they could)
