Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Potpouri

Diogenesis thinks Mitt Romney invented gay marriage:

Romney was chosen to lose.

Chosen by Rove. Chosen by the DNC.
Chosen by Soros.

Chosen because HE is ineligible.
Chosen because HE invented gay marriage.
Chosen because HE invented ObamaCARE/ROmneyCARE>
Chosen because HE supports TARP and sharia.

And the RMNE LOVES him for it.

RMNE - Republican Media National Establishment.

freedomfiter2 has a plan for Trayvon Martin's parents:

Trayvon Martin parents eager for arrest

They should be arrested for producing a worthless piece of trash like their son.

stpio is digging in:

Now that the primary is over, it will be a lot easier for Santorum voters to get behind Romney in the general election than it would have been for Palin given her built in fan base.

How is that possible? It is a MORTAL SIN on your soul to
vote for a pro-abortion candidate.

SWAMPSNIPER has discovered some new members of those New Black Panther blowhards:

My bet is that Holder and Obama are charter members of NBPP.

RightFighter thinks Bush councils assassinating the New Black Panthers for talking smack:
Someone should locate Michelle Williams and Chawn Kweli and take the war to them. It would be a logical extension of the Bush Doctrine.
y6162 hates Connecticut now:

Ct went straight to hell the day Lowell Weicker imposed the income tax in the dark of night. I stood outside the state house with 50,000 others screaming F U!

The other 49,999 now live in Fla as will I soon.

I still care worked hard on this:

The first plague of blood - Obama’s refusal to really stop participlating in the Middle East Wars (in fact, by destablizing Egypt and Libya, he’s causing more bloodshed than every before)

The 2nd plague of frogs. -I’m going to be mean here and just mention Michelle, Sonia, Elena, and Hillary. (For their loud, irritating croaking.)

The 3rd plague of gnats and lice - the MSM, for their chewing away at America’s foundation with their love affair for this radical.

The 4th plague of flies - Jesse Jackson, Sharpton, and the racebaiters, for their rapid flight to the carrion.

The 5th plague of diseased livestock - The destruction he has wrought to our industry, including cash for clunkers.

The 6th plague of Boils - The “Affordable Healthcare Act”, of course. The damage he has done to our health is incalculable. Already. Ask any elderly person who recently has had their therapy cut off.

The 7th plague of Thunder and Hail - the hatred coming out of the left towards people of Faith.

The 8th plague of Locusts - inflation, destroying the storehouse of people’s lives. And anyone that tells you it isn’t purposeful has total blinders.

The 9th plague of darkness - Obama’s war on our energy supply, of course.

The 10th plague of the death of the firstborn - Dr Death, Obama, marches on to destroy as many lives as he can through abortion.

You know, I need more plagues. There wasn’t one for the destruction of our allies, of Israel, the scorn he has set us up for throughout the world, his power hungry czars, his runs around the Constitution, etc - he’s worse than Egypt.

Terry Mross totally heard of this story that proves all suspicious blacks are rapists.

I know of an incident where a black teenager was “acting suspiciously” in a neighborhood and nobody confronted him. He raped a 70 year old woman then walked on down the street. He was eventually arrested and brought to trial. Ended up the woman he raped had been his school teacher so she knew him. A black jury acquitted him.

knarf is so brave and non-PC!
These are not "kids", these are blacks for obama and juiced with trayvon.

I've started to drop all my PC and call 'em *******.

Where does a pack of ******* get the idea they can just walk in and take what they want?

America may not remain cival until the election, and I truly believe that is the plan.

zero's ****** plan.
man, you can taste how much he wants to say "nigger."

Gay State Conservative - Obama contains multitudes:

Osama Obama IS Saul Alinsky

Osama Obama IS Bill Ayers

Osama Obama IS Bernadine Dorn

Osama Obama IS Van Jones

Osama Obama IS "Reverend" Wright

boop has discovered George Lucas' secret liberal agenda:
Yes, as to Lucas and his very thinly veiled leftism. The villain in Star Wars episode I was named "Nute Gunray". Couldn't POSSIBLY be a reference to Newt Gingrich, right? It was filmed when Gingrich was still Speaker of the House.
jonascord looks forwards to the Right learning to stop being such loving merciful Christians:
The Left has taught us that Nice Guys Finish Last.

The learning curve has been a very gradual slope, since we are trying to overcome 220+ years of judeo-christian training. The realization that the Left will NEVER quit until we are slaves or dead is finally dawning.
Lazamataz has a unique take on the Bible.
You know, a lot of people misunderstand Jesus when he said 'turn the other cheek'. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, you are supposed to turn and offer your left. But, this act of turning to that direction frees up your right hand for the sword at your waste.

Turn the other cheek actually means, get ready to lay down some steel on the mofo.

Laz is quite the Freeper wag, but I cannot tell if he is joking here...

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