Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The zot of Dammoclese

Freepers gotta decide whether to swallow their immense pride, or zot all the pragmatists.

But until they do, their thrashing about is a lot of fun.

Especially since many Freepers remember the purges of the past, and are unsure how much they need to toe the official anti-Romney line these days:


It is time to bite the bullet, eat crow, accept the fact that Romney is going to be the GOP nominee.

Ergo, in November, it will be Romney or Obama.

Grin and bear it.

Or bear it.

The choice will be Romney or Obama.

Reality bites.

We have a good idea of what another 4 years of Obama will do to the Nation.

The main factor for Romney may be whom he selects as his VP.


Are you sure you can say that kind of stuff on FR?

Life is rough these days under the JimRob regime. Gotta keep on your toes.


  1. As Rush Limbaugh has often said, "Follow the money."

    Jim needs his sheep to pay up.

    How many sheep can he zot before he has to go out and get a real job?

    1. I noticed the Santorum threads had a higher than usual number on donation links

    2. He'll never need to...dude's handicapped. He can suck on that hated government teat for as long as he wants.

  2. One of the best parts about FR is that they speak in idioms and catch phrases, especially when they talk about what they're going to do in the future. Lock & load, grin & bear it, rise up, prepare for the revolution, fight back etc., but they never actually state what they are going to do or should do.

  3. Some guy called Kenny posted this, "What if Santorum wins PA anyway (vanity)"

    Jesus Christ, have they all gone crazy? What if?

    What if RimJob finally comes out of the closet? This is beyond stupid. What if little green men from Mars jump on the Cain Train and ride it into Sarah Palin's house and teach Trig to dubstep? What if?

  4. Seems like many Freepers are not employed ... how are they able to spend so much time online?

  5. Most likely retired, on welfare, disability or simply umemployed because they are unemployable. Certainly a lot of them probably live off the government, but justify it as somehow "getting back at the Marxists", or "getting their taxes back".

    1. I've also noticed a fair amount of them aren't even from the US. There seem to be a lot of them from the UK, which I find hilarious.
