Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Pix

Mmmm, The Raised Fist!

If you love America, you love LOTS OF BALD EAGLES!

For being so obsessed with manliness, Freepers sure do lapse into mean-girlhood easily.

Man, Obama makes an uuuugly golden calf!

Anyone who has seen this Star Trek episode knows this means Obama and Romney end up fighting each other forever on the post-apocalyptic ruin of their home planet.

Ugly up that smile!

Run Obama, the Presidential Seal has gone rogue!

Best Health Care System in the woooorld!

That Obama - so much more out of touch than man-of-the-earth Romney.

They key to this is how Reid and the donkeys are just happy, but Pelosi is totally evil.

To Freepers, every time a woman is bad at something, that woman is probably Barack Obama.

This coming week is going to be a lot of fun on Free Republic.


  1. I didn't know that the Constitution allowed the people to elect a candidate for president. Exactly where in the Constitution did you find that, Freepers?

    1. Anything the freepers disagree with is unconstitutional. Like the 19th amendment, or the preamble if apply to marginalized groups.

  2. Civil disobedience, Freepers, is the answer to that feeling of powerlessness you feel.

    Get off the La-Z-Boy and get your wrinkled old white male butts out into the street and protest.

    What other options do you have? None that I can see.

    Civil disobedience. Learn it, live it, love it.
