Monday, April 23, 2012

IMR 4350's wide ranging racial conspiracies

I haven't seen this guy before he claimed the FBI poops in his toilet to taunt him. An anonymous commenter suggested I look at his posts more generally. And man, the tales he tells!

Secret Clinton conspiracies to declare martial law, attempts on his life that end in Blues-Brothers-esque pileups, the WACO-Rodney Kind Riots connection!

Having very low stnadards for what a Civil War is:

CW2 started in 1991 with the R King beating, people just didn't know it.
The first real indication that the left had declared war and was waging a war was
the LA riots of 1992 when they were refereed to as “The Rebellion”, “TheRevolution”, or “The uprising”.
Everyone wrote it off as just more rhetoricfrom the left.
It wasn't, they meant it.

The only difference now, peoplearen't just writing it off as left wing rhetoric, more people every day are beginning to recognize the left means it.

How marial law is going to start with race riots:

If they do it in a step by step steady progression a majority of the people, including a lot here at FR, would cheer them on not recognizing what's happening.
If you orchestrate race riots, people will cheer as thepoliceare moved in to quell the riots.
When police can't do it alone,people willdemand the governors send in national guard troops and cheer when they are sentin.
When the national guard troops come under attack from IED’s and it's learned the IED’s are the work of foreign terrorist working with the rioters, people will demand the Federal govt. take control of the situation and use the full power of thew military to stop the violence.
People will cheer as the military comes in to stop the violence.
This way they have a cover.
They didn't WANT to declare martial law, the people DEMANDED martial law be declared.

If their scam were to go south with them, yea I can see them stepping it up to an EMP.

finding evidence that all terrorism is orchestrated by the left:

This is at least the third time we've had an orchestrated recession and each one proceeded a terrorist attack/attempted attack which were all designed as attacks against the economy.
The 1st WTC bombing in 93 was an attack against the economy and was proceeded by an orchestrated recession.
The 9-11 terrorist attack was an attack against the economy and was proceeded by an orchestrated recession.
The 2008 collapse was orchestrated and low and behold there was a terrorist attack planned for NY subway system which would have shut down NY, thus an attack against the economy.
Not only was there orchestrated recessions prior to these attacks/attempted attacks, the left also ginning up civil unrest prior to the attacks.
The exact same thing is taking place right now.
We're getting an orchestrated economic collapse and the left is ginning up civil unrest.
You can bet there is a terrorist attack coming down the pike.
Everything points to Hillary

Sharpton spearheaded Hillary's dirty tricks campaign in 2007.
What we have right now is an exact repeat of Hillary's dirty tricks campaign.
In 2007 they went after Don Imas for his “attack” against women. This go round it's Rush.
In 2007 Sharpton was stirring the racial pot with the Jenna 6 and the phony ‘noose” campaign implying the KKK was hunting down blacks.
This time it Trayvon and and “Blacks are being hunted” and the stand your ground and castle doctrine laws are a licensee to hunt blacks.
Beginning in Nov of 2006 the dems started the phony BS of Bush firing the US Attorneys and it was somehow connected to covering up police misconduct. Janet Reno fired all the US Attorney's in 1993 in part to cover up that Bill Clinton had ordered his state troopers to racial profile. He had been sued by the Reagan/Bush DoJ for ordering racial profiling and had agreed to stop as part of the settlement. He didn't.
Hillary's been on a vendetta to pin racial profiling on the repubs ever since. Notice how the DoJ has started all the probes into racial profiling, most notable is with Sheriff Joe.
Everything points to Hillary.
All of this is just priming the pump. Zippo is going to be forced out and that's when the real civil unrest starts.
BTW Fast and Furious has been arming up the drug gangs. In the 1996 election Bill Clinton's buddies the Chinese military got caught arming up the gangs in LA with full auto weapons.
My emphasis, cause he buired the lead.

The Waco was to cover up Bill Clinton's racial profiling.

May 5th 1993 I was contacted by one of the Waco investigators. He told me then the LA riots weren't spontaneous as everyone believed.
Waco was used as a diversion to the second trial of the LA police.
In 1991 when RK was beat, Bush ordered a review of all complaints filed against police with the FBI for the previous 5 years. There was apx 15,000 complaints or about 3000/year. Of those 15,000 complaints only about 42 were pursued in court.
One of the ones that was pursued was against Bill Clinton for ordering his state troopers to racial profile. With the settlement of the suite, BC agreed to stop racial
profiling. He didn't.
With Bush ordering the review of the complaints filed against police, the Clinton's went into full cover up.
The Clinton's were the ones behind the riots and creating the myth of republican racism as part of the cover up.
Following the riots the FBI claimed there was nothing in the files. Bush then ordered the US Attorneys to review the complaints. I contacted the USA’s and gave them the info I had since one of the 15,000 files was my file. That's why I was contacted by the Waco investigator.
Perot got into the 92 election to keep Bush from releasing the content's of the files. Not only would it have derailed Clinton's chance to be president, it would have wiped out the dem party. Dem controlled city and co. govts have control over police, not
When Reno was nominated as AG she said she would release the content of the files being reviewed by the USA’s. She didn't. She fired all the USA’s
instead. The news media never questioned it because of Waco being a nice
Vince Foster's job was to surround BC with people that were involved with covering up police corruption. When he started spilling his guts, he was found belly up.
Hillary has been on a vendetta ever since to lay the blame of racial profiling on republicans, and not on BC.
IMR 4350 is targeted:

I had a run in with a Corpus Christi, TX police officer. He was stoned out of his guard and went to spouting his mouth about being part of a big dope running operation involving corrupt law enforcement.
I thought the guy was nuts. He wasn't.
I filed a complaint against the cop, and the police dept went into full cover up.
I filed a complaint against him with the FBI. The FBI went into full cover up.
The first complaint filed just disappeared.
The second time I filed the complaint, the complaint was changed to some BS about the CIA killing Kennedy.
I then filed a third complaint and handed it to the agent in person.
A few weeks later was the first attempt against my life.
Idiots tried to make it look like an accident. I guess the clowns that tried it had been watching too much TV because what they tried was right off of TV. The thought never crossed their minds that if someone is trying to run you off the road and make you wreck, you don't speed up like they do on TV, you slow down. Two out three of their cars ended up wrecked. The third one backed his ass

I then had one of the Nueces Co. District Attorney's threaten my life. Let me know it was legal for police to kill people.
Sure nuf they tried.
Once again the idiots tried to make it look like an accident. They managed to total a cop car in that attempt.
There was more to the dope running operation than just running dope into Mena.
There was also a dope running operation involving corrupt cops out of Chicago taking the guns the police were confiscating, hauling the guns to Mexico and trading the guns for dope.
Iran Contra was used as a cover. You couldn't get to the bottom of any one dope
running operation without getting into the CIA’s Iran Contra, so everything was covered up.

Previous Freeper spotlights:
Uncle Slayton


  1. Just writing in to say that I enjoy the occasional "Meet a Freeper" post.

    Many of us have a crazy Uncle Larry who thinks the President is out to destroy the country because the President is a commie. You don't? Well, I do.

    This one was a good one. It had cops and murder and super secret government agencies etc. This is way beyond my crazy Uncle Larry who thinks that the President is a secret Muslim commie. This is pure gold.

    I do wonder sometimes if Free Republic will not be associated with violence, if they haven't before. Look at IMR4350. Is he violent? Who knows? Is he grounded in reality? No, he is not.

    My crazy Uncle Larry isn't going to shoot anybody but I do worry about the many Freepers who are whipped up daily by the extreme right wing media.

    I lived in Tulsa when the Murrah Building was bombed over in Oklahoma City. I know what the Turner Diaries are.

    Jim, Freepers, I'd like to ask you, in honor of the innocent dead, to keep a lid on the crazy. Do you really think this poster is what he claims to be, that his stories are true? Of course not. Let's all of us help to prevent terrorism.

    1. I think the few true freepers all live in some kind of fantasy world. A perfect 50s TV land vision of white America, where justice is handed out by a revolver, and the 'good guy' always gets the girl.

      Don't worry about terrorism though. There are only 20 actually freepers, and thousands of FBI agents and lurkers like us.

  2. sheesh IMR should be more careful about posting on FR cuz some of his/her Freep peeps might not be who you think they are. SOME of them MIGHT be FBI plants and whatnot.

    jus' sayin'

  3. Just noticed they are doing yet another
    Reap-a-ton ! Seems like they just had one. The one for the diamond studded servers and all.
    Seems sorta idunno, suspicious i guess. Does anyone ever wonder about Jim Rob's financial maturity ? There is no way it costs that much to run a forum. He must be very irresponsible with money or he is pulling the biggest con job
    Fresno burg has ever seen.!

    1. It's the second one. Free Republic is Jim Robinson's source of income. He's ripping these idiots off. If you haven't seen a picture of Jim Robinson, he is wheel chair bound. He doesn't have a job. This is is income.

  4. Come on, Jim. How much would it cost you to ZOT these obviously crazy people?

    Let's do something good here.

    1. If he did that, there would be nobody left at Free Republic. Including JimRob.

  5. Thread suggestion:

  6. Anon who posted just above, OK, that was pretty funny.

  7. This might be worth looking at:;page=401

  8. The hatred flows; Joe the Plumber betrays Free Republic:

    1. This is gold. Unadulterated gold. Thank you so much. I will name my first born Anon in your honor.

  9. I often wish I could post to Free Republic. I'd like to hear what they have to say about

    Obama: Romney Can't Say 'Everything I've Said For The Last 6 Months, I Didn't Mean'

    I would genuinely like to hear what they have to say. I've been reading them for years.

    Freepers will pull the lever for Romney. They may whine and pule but on election day, they will take their opportunity to vote against the Kenyan Kommie. You know they will. Is Texas going for Obama? Not a chance.

  10. A heaping scoop of hate, a pinch of smugness, a few dollops of photoshop, and a dash of xenophobia. Freepers make up a "Obama ate dog" crazy pie:
