Friday, November 16, 2012

A Whiter shade of GOP

Some of the GOP are making overtures towards Latinos, in the hopes of not losing in a landslide shortly. Part of that is looking towards some kind of immigration reform.

Freepers make sure be as loud and nativist as possible, as though to sabotage any attempt to address Latinos in any mature way.

Gaffer knows only illegals watch Spanish language TV:
There’s a reason why DirectV, Comcast, Dish and half of the AM radio stations are broadcasting in Spanish now, and it isn’t because of naturalized and natural born hispanics already here..
Post5203 is ready for French Revolution II!
Our rulers are about to shove it up our butts once again. It is long past time to storm the Bastille.

Term limits would have saved the republic.
Jim Robinson weighs in.
So much for Rubio.
Oh, this'll be hilarious come 2015.

no-to-illegals sees the secret message:
What is taking place (imho) is an invitation for a complete and full invasion force to come. The applause from our enemies is deafening. How fast can a nation commit suicide? One for the History books. Am doubting the History will be written though. The victors write the History and then rewrite it.
"The victors write the History and then rewrite it." Stupid obsessive victors.

Carry me back mixes up political relevance with gold.
They’ve all sold their souls for the 30 pieces of silver or gold. They couldn’t care less about America. Sad, but obviously true.
TomGuy seems to think illegals here now don't have jobs:
Once the amnesty is available, they will be coming in droves -- more free stuff, free benefits, free healthcare, free education, FREE OBAMAPHONES!!!!! Only in America ...

There has been a recent trend of some illegals going home, however. Mexico's unemployment rate is about 5% whereas ours is about 10% (realistic, not BLS BS). Of course, Mexico has been exporting laborers northward for decades.

The situation may, however, get worse when Obamacare kicks in. Off-the-books illegals could helps hide some of the workers from the IRS Obamacare enforcers; thus, causing a massive increase in the number of illegals. Those on-the-books could find their employment reduced from full time to part time. ETC.
MinuteGal knows that Mexicans, unlike previous immigrants, will all get on welfare.
Let me work this out in my mind.......

There's few new jobs now for millions of those legal citizens who paid into the system all their working lives.

Now dump tens of millions of aliens into the system as citizens, probably up to 30 million.

Then digest the fact that a preponderance of these aliens will be able to legally bring in extended family into the country to live with them. Then do the multiplication.

These alien millions who will find no jobs obviously believe they and their families will be supported by the legal resident millions who can't find jobs either and who are already on unemployment or welfare.

So now everybody and their tios are on unemployment or welfare.

Therefore, within a few short years we will have the vast and perfect United Welfare States of Amerika, ruled by a dapper, well-spoken Father to the Nation and his unelected czars (which we have already, by the way).

Okay, now I get the program.

Freepers were xenophobes before they were for low taxes. (May not be true - just go with it.) I expect this to be one of the first fault lines in the coming epic GOP meltdown.


  1. The new Spielberg movie about Lincoln has Freepers re-fighting Civil War I making it hard to imagine them uniting for CW II. Here are a couple of threads:
    Spielberg's Lincoln Movie

    Spielberg’s Lincoln is a Grand Tribute to a Masterful Leader

  2. Hostess shuts down.
    Lots of the expected anti-union psychobabble, which is good itself (over 250 posts!), but then there are gems like:
    "Misery enjoys company.

    I can give up Twinkies knowing that some percentage of liberals will also lose out."

    "Just look at the names Twinkies, Ho Hos and Ding Dongs - the end of liberalism will ensue soon. Political correctness is on the way out with giving into the ending of the LBGT agenda.

    Unforunately in bankruptcy someone might buy the names and product rights but the distribution will never be nationwide.

    The demise of the unions is not long. Might be wishful thinking on my part."


    I also got in the Way Back Machine and found a thread from 2007 about how rap music was losing popularity :

    "Yes it does suck.
    Die rap Die. The sooner the better.

    I prey to god that it is long gone before my 5 year old has it forced into his head at school at some dance.

    There has never been a worse form of music.

    May it be die faster than disco. "

    "Will Smith was NOT a rapper-he was a hip-hopper, which was an entirely different thing. He made fun music-none of that gangsta BS. "

    "The majority of RAP “lyrics” are composed of just a few words...The N word, b*tch and Mother F*. That’s it."

  3. "Will Smith was NOT a rapper-he was a hip-hopper, which was an entirely different thing. He made fun music-none of that gangsta BS. "

    I think this is the dog whistle equivalent of "I like black people, but I hate n-bombs".

    "Real" rappers are n-bombs. Will Smith is just a black guy.

  4. This whole "Mexicans dont work" thing is CRAP.
    I was a crew leader on a construction outfit that went from city to city building racks for warehouses.
    We hired local guys from the unemployment office, temp agency's and the like.
    The white guys couldnt work 2 days in a row, they complained that the job was to hard.
    Yes it was hard work, and they were told this before hand.
    I worked both shifts and frequently so did the Mexican guys.
    I often worked 18 hours a day at 35 years old and this 22-25 yr old kids couldnt do it.
    Give me 20 Mexican guys anyday, we got shit DONE.
    And the poor white dudes that were too tired?
    I fired their asses.

    1. oh, I forgot to say that I never had to fire ANY of the Mexican workers, not 1.

    2. Those white dudes must have been lazy, entitled liberals who just want to sit back and collect unemployment and/or welfare the rest of their lives! /snark

    3. Oh, and the Mexican guys had a smile on their faces every day.
      Very pleasant to work with, no complaining and just happy to be working.
      And it WAS a tough job. Hanging steel rails is TOUGH after 8-10 hours.
