Friday, November 30, 2012

Spotlight Friday: Eye of Unk

Something new for y'all!

Eye of Unk:
One of the rare Freepers who actually takes action based on his crazy ideas. Living in Alaska, planning to move to Australia to get away from all the socialism and open up a custom motorcycle repair shop!

His plan:
I may be just a youngster at 55 and almost every hour of the day I rack my brain on ways to kick socialism’s ass, how to make it consume itself, how to create its downfall based upon historical facts.

I too am leaving the country, because there is no more frontier, no more freedom, no home of the brave I could sarcastically say.

Many think Australia is a socialistic country, it is in some fashion but its vast and with a small population, its a new frontier short of colonization in space. I am heading there shortly after I sell my guns since I had nothing to shoot at, my motorcycles, my brass HO train collection, my diecast collection and then my model ship collection some of which are solid wood.

Giving it all up to park myself someplace else that will be hotter, more barren, may have no job for me and probably doesn’t want me because of my age as a citizen, but I’ll just fade off into the bush, find a billabong and build a cabin out of truck parts. I’ll survive because I’ll be free. Best wishes as well to where you are heading.
How to deal with looters:
Now if I was head of a community I would announce that we have a facility chock full of emergency “free stuff” such as new Ipads, cellphones, designer shoes. Basically bling, but here is the kicker, its advertise to be exactly what it is, emergency free stuff for those that live off of trash.

And then when they swoop down on the warehouse and get inside we gas them unconscious and ship them out of town.
Obama hates old people!
According to Obama the elderly are a drain upon society.

Almost sounds like America will become like what Logans Run was all about.

I need a bumper sticker that says, “Have you kicked a Communist today?”
That impotent tough-guy bit at the end is my favorite, though the "America is a 1970s sci-fi movie" is also strong.

Sociological analysis!
Communism is the new social drug everyone is lusting for, it allows them all the power to just take away from all those that are hard working.
Obama is a Bond Villain!
The problem is the Bond personna was all about one man daring to confront evil, daring to fight corruption, daring to twart mad men and any goal of world wide domination.

Which is fine when you live in fantasy land, the reality is this, Bond should be addressing realty.

Make the next Bond movie about him removing a Manchurian candidate from Washington DC. About him finding real documentation of an usurper, the facts of who was behind him all along, the adventure of Bond fighting Acorn Agents.

This is realty, give Bond the ultimate mission much like going after SPECTRE or Dr. No.
Birther-Bond! Thrill to the digital analysis! Gasp at the Internet Sleuthing! No one will be seated during the horrific deposition scene!

Secession is key, of course:
Put more efforts into secession of the states, its a counter to the massive election fraud.

The liberals are truly afraid of the loss of any part of the herd, it means another percentage of goods, services and of course providers for the takers.
After Civil War 2, warp drives for everybody!
I hear some folks may actually have successfully designed a warp drive design, and after the Great Civil War some rocket geeks will snag an old rocket and take it for a spin proving it to be a working design.

Next thing we know some interstellar species will drop in with ideas of expanding their tourism trade to other planets.

Since so far we have been nothing more than copycatting ultra evolved primates who still cannot have proper elections these other planetary folks have been just laughing their asses off watching us.

the sooner we get our shit together and eradicate, yes I mean eradicate these social assbackwardism everyone seems so fond then we can get off this over capacity rock and head elsewhere.
If Ayn Rand and Gene Roddenberry had a baby...

Eye of Unk envies sharks :
You don’t see sharks caring for their wounded, holding get well concerts, internet forums for concerned posters, nor talk show hosts.

nope, they get consumed, the strong push on, the weak are gone...Period. No cease fire, no second chance wounds so they can get well and return, or train others, zap them and be done with it. If nothing else better one shot killing ammo.
In a nutshell: Fuck sentience and empathy!


  1. Methinks Unk hasnt looked into how unlikely it is that Australia (Who have one of the tougher immigration policies) will allow him to show up and stay there. Got a sponsor? Have a company willing to sponsor you? How will you be supporting yourself? Sorry sir, we will be placing on the next flught bqck to the US.

  2. "the sooner we get our shit together and eradicate, yes I mean eradicate these social assbackwardism everyone seems so fond then we can get off this over capacity rock and head elsewhere."

    True dat. Let's start with Freepers and religious fundamentalists.

  3. I like his idea for a new Bond movie. Change the character from a British government agent who lends service to his country to an American rogue mercenary who tries to overthrow the American government. So simple!

    1. I'm seeing Orly Taitz as M.

    2. M (Orly Taitz) tells Bond that an impostor has taken over the Presidency and is building a Death Panel Ray that will kill every white person over 60.

      After Q gives Bond the Photoshop-Forgery Detecting Scanner hidden in the sole of his shoe, he heads to Kenya, where he attempts to track down Obama's aunt, who claims to have been there at Obama's birth. Just as Bond is talking to her, though, she's killed by a machete-wielding horde of Odinga followers. Bond barely escapes.

      Back in the US, he connects with a crusty old CIA agent turned western sheriff played by Joe Arpaio. Together they fly to Hawaii and break into the Department of Records, which is protected by lasers and black-uniformed SEIU members. Bond barely escapes with Obama's delayed birth certificate, but Arpaio, trying to keep up, has a heart attack. He dies telling Bond to finish what they started.

      Bond flies to DC, thinking back on all the clues.

      Bond slips into the White House and stealthily makes his way to the Oval Office. He breaks in and finds Obama alone. Obama pulls out a gun and shoots, wounding Bond in the shoulder. Bond shoots Obama, killing him. Opening a secret panel in the wall, he goes down into the secret high-tech headquarters to destroy the Death Panel Ray. He discovers that it's actually being run by Hillary and Bill Clinton, who have been pulling the strings all along. Bond manages to blow up the ray, but the Clinton's escape.

      James Bond will return in "YOU ONLY RULE TWICE", coming Summer 2016

  4. I think his warp ship rocket idea was the basis for a Star Trek movie...

    I wonder how Unk would feel if a Russian or Chinese person moved to the AK tundra set up a house and business. Welcome him with open arms or call him a "feriner" and demand he leave.

  5. Great stuff, Oz. I have to give Unk credit -- he has a particularly rich fantasy life within a community that really values a fantasy life. Too bad he'll never get any closer to Australia than watching "Crocodile Dundee" over and over again.

  6. There is a remarkable passage in the works of the "Comte de Lautreamont" where he fantasizes about copulating with a shark. The Freeper fantasy above is less compelling.

  7. This guy seems like a textbook case of what happens when impotence strikes chronic masturbators.

    The idea of fleeing socialism by heading to Australia is pretty funny, though. If Obama's politics = Hitler, Australia's politics = Stalin atop a naked pyramid of nine gay Hitlers guarded by ACORN and the New Black Panthers.

    But of course, the closest this tough guy's gonna get to Australia is Outback Steakhouse. And my guess is, the taxpayers will be footing the bill for his inevitable triple bypass. (You're welcome, pal!)
