Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Boehner's Troubles

Boehner is trying to keep his party together to solve this fiscal cliff issue. Freepers, whose worldview requires America to suffer, hate him for it:

ilgipper is drawing a line in the sand. Again!
Our message to our reps need to be clear. If Boehner folds in this, we are sitting home in 2014. If he doesn’t stand up for the positions we elected our reps to promote, he needs to be replaced as Speaker.
Hans seems to think Boehner is appeasing Democrats for some reason:
Poor Boehner, courtiers must appease their Democrat Lords. The street rabble must be kept under control. Our Illinois Republicans learned that a long time ago.
yefragetuwrabrumuy doesn't understand Boehner's job:
It rankles that Boehner uses ten times the coercion on Republicans than he would ever use on Democrats.
annieokie is feelign neglected:
HE DOES NOT CARE what we think. He is maneuvering his positions to exclude or weaken the TEA PARTY conservatives as much as possible. Which should make us more resolute in electing MORE TEA PARTY conservatives
He’s a weeping little girl with Obama and the Dems, but he sprouts hair on his chest when he talks to even bigger weenies in the GOP caucus. Disgusting. They had every right to dump him and start with new leadership after this election. It appears they like to be screwed.
Well, who doesn't?

sergeantdave concentrates on the important thing: shooting the messenger:
Regardless of what a scumball Boehner is, let’s be clear on one point: The Hill is a Marxist publication designed to promote fascism and communism, and the commie slut who wrote this did so to infuriate and divide conservatives.
what's up agrees that the key to success is to rage against the media.
#1 on the top of my list would be to attack the media.

I consider the media our main enemy. This is where the most active and effective commies live. Their purpose has been twofold: 1) raise Obama and 2) get us to train our guns on the GOP.

If ALL guns were pointed at the media instead of ourselves this would solve 90% of the problem IMO.


  1. Here's a good thread:
    Lunatic, Left Wing Relatives on Thanksgiving.

    One of the comments:
    "I have elderly neighbors who I always bring food to from my garden.

    They put out an Obama sign this year and I will never bring them food again." Jean S

  2. "I agree. Obama and his voters are my mortal enemy. They will shorten my life with Obama Care, they will reduce my ability to care for my family with their liberal policies, they are destroying my childrens’ dreams and futures. They are mortal enemies. I will not tolerate them, be polite around them, nor accomodate them in any way. Nor should anyone who understands the truth of what Obama’s election means, and everyone older than 18 should understand that.

    Not in my house, period." by C. Edmund Wright

    Good find anon. It seems freepers are on a mission to ruin the holidays. In the thread someone linked to this Breitbart article: 'Surviving Thanksgiving' apparently means being a complete ass
