Monday, November 12, 2012

FaceBook Removing of Friends

Anonymous can't have been the only one to have noticed this, but he was the only one to note it in the comments!

In their panicked attempt to feel even a little empowered, Freepers are reaching for big dreams and petty acts. In the latter category is this large thread about defriending liberals on Facebook. Because ignoring just isn't dickish enough.

Las Vegas Ron knows it's time to treat liberals like the enemy. Because Freepers have totally been too nice thusfar.
I “unfreinded” two people I've known since HS for their support of obama on my wall.
I've felt the better for it ever since.

They are the enemy, we have to start viewing them in that light as far as I am concerned.
usconservative strikes a blot for Freedom!
You're not the only one who's un-friended (and in my case, outright BLOCKED) those who voted for Obama. I did the same thing and from what I've been hearing, it's become quite the trend.

High time to ostracize the liberals, IMO.
Mamzelle blames Obama for his liberal hate, but is concerned about all them liberal temptress-sluts...
I live in a red state and I don't get anywhere near a liberal if I can possibly help it.

Obama had a way of turning the relationship between political party members absolutely toxic.

But, what I see are conservative men who sleep with cheap, slutty, probably diseased liberal women. And have a child with one?
Solson quit facebook, but defriended all the liberals first. Because Fuck, I guess.
I de-activated my facebook after five years of high activity. Twitter is where it’s at. I also purged all libs and dems before deactivating.
madmominct seems properly Christain.
the day after the election I posted this on my drone-lib friend’s wall: “Well, _______, I hope you enjoy the next few years of watching the country you hate being destroyed. You’ll be doing it minus a friend. Oh, and good luck finding a job. (He’s been unemployed for about 2 years and is about to file for bankruptcy for the second time). You and your party make me sick.”
And I unfriended him.

Now as a Christian, I felt badly about the way I did it, so after a couple of days I called him to apologize for doing it that way, but told him I simply can’t talk to him - possibly for a very long time. And i will not re-friend him on FB.

I continue to enjoy posting annoying information so my leftwing friends and family can see the hell they’ve unleashed on the country (not that they care) - for instance, the massive lay-offs that are taking place. And will continue to do so.
You can see babyfreep trying to hate a liberal friend of his like his fellow Freepers, but not quite getting there:
One of the acquaintances is an “occupy” activist (in Oklahoma, mind you) and a writer. I bite my tongue a lot - but now and then I get into it with him. (He absolutely loves Elizabeth Warren and is hoping she’ll run for POTUS in 2016.)
He’ll argue with me some, and his followers pop in with an “atta boy” occasionally when they think he’s made some “really cool” point. He’s somewhat intelligent and funny, but that’s all. His politics are wrong and he has no vision of the future based on reality.
That said, I keep him around because I want to know just what he and his cohorts are up to.
SueRae broke up with her long-term boyfriend, and doesn't get why people seem titchy about politics around her:
I also terminated a four plus year relationship I had with a man. I tried to discuss rationally, eve heated and arguing exchanges but his filter was always through ‘Union’ eyes, even though he has spent much of the last 4 years looking for work. Sometimes you can’t fix stupid. I had told him weeks ago that if the unthinkable happened, I would never see him again. Late on election night, I texted him not to ever other calling...but he’s not all that tech-savvy and missed it. But when he pulled into the driveway on Thursday, he ran into a buzz saw.

These people have been dragging me down and I can’t let the negativity drain me any more. I’ve also made a few new friends, shared a good cry and several rants with other friends of like minds...but it is so weird...everyone is almost afraid to speak first, trying to discern where someone else stands. When we find out we agree, there’s a huge sigh of relief and we can take it from there. This is a divided country...and it just increased by an order of magnitude after Tuesday.


  1. You would think they had never lost an election before.

  2. "I live in a red state and I don't get anywhere near a (n-word) if I can possibly help it.

    Obama had a way of turning the relationship between political party members absolutely toxic.

    But, what I see are conservative men who sleep with cheap, slutty, probably diseased (n-word) women. And have a child with one?"

    Mamzelle is obviously a little bit on the unhinged side, but her rant (with my substitutions) aren't much different than what was coming out the bigoted types during the 50s and 60s.
