Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How I think the election was stolen.

via FreeperFan.

A commenter yesterday noted, "You would think they had never lost an election before."

Well, they haven't since the rise of FOX News and the right-wing blogosphere. The combination of a triumphalist bubble and constant fear and hate-based propaganda has made this election something emotionally new for the vast majority Freepers.

Thus, the idea of a massive, nation-wide orchestrated fraud continues to grow in popularity. You needn't grapple with a reality that you know is false!

Tzimisce gets all his numbers from right-wing blogs, so he knows they're legit!
Some precincts in Philly had 99% turnout?

They’re stealing Allen West’s seat right now as we speak.

How did Nate Silver get EVERY ONE of his predictions right?
Ken522 totally saw someone he didn't recognize monitoring the polling site. PROOF!
although I voted on election day, when I fed my ballot into to “scanner” or whatever it is that is supposed to tabulate the votes, the screen above it remained blank. The fellow who was “monitoring” my actions at this step of the voting process looked unfamiliar to me (I have voted at the same precinct for 10 years now) and definitely not part of the neighborhood ... a tall skinny guy with facial hair and big wire-rimmed glasses, like a lawyer only not dressed in a suit. Like you, I believe the election results were manipulated to ensure obama’s re-election.
Terry Mross is having no trouble coming to grips with the amount of crazy he's going to have to accept.
I just wish someone would explain to me why EVERY democrat in the house and senate support all this. They’ve helped install a dictator. They can’t all be that stupid. Are they all evil? Maybe we should write letters to every member of congress with just the sentence “You will stand before Jesus one day.”
annelizly doesn't know anyone who voted for Obama. PROOF!
In my small rural area the women working the polls said they had never seen such a huge turnout before. they were voting FOR ROMENY . of course our county did go to romney, but i can’t believe that it was just our area.
libertylover saw Drudge change the Florida numbers. PROOF!
- Here’s something I saw with my own eyes: On election night I was monitoring Drudge, which had a running count of the Florida presidential vote. Romney was leading. All of sudden, following an update, about 35,000 votes were REMOVED from the Romney total, and at the same time, Obama added a few thousand votes with that update and took the lead and never lost it.
Bigjimslade thinks Republicans never die or move.
I have one big question:

Does anyone know anyone that voted for McCain and decided to stay home for Romney ?

I know dozens that did the opposite but he underperformed in OH and PA ? No freakin way.
SpaceBar knows that angry whining is the best revenge:
I mentioned it yesterday, but will say it again. If the right played by the same rules as the left, Sarah Palin would be on the steps of the Capitol building in DC as I type this, in the cold with a bullhorn, surrounded by an ocean of party faithful, demanding a recount of ALL votes, and a full investigation by an independent authority over allegations of voter fraud. And they wouldn’t disperse until the national guard started shooting.
PraiseTheLord has a petition with tens of thousands of signatures! VICTORY!
Just use the Constitution in the House of Rep to NULLIFY THIS ONE ! simple, quick, proven <<<<<<<<

Here is a POST I just did on another thread:


To: R0CK3T; SeekAndFind;Jim Robinson

” There is NO WAY to change the outcome if this election. “

YOU ARE WRONG WRONG there, kiddo !

Go to this site. See what it is petitioning Congress to do. It is IN THE CONSTITUTION. And it has been DONE BEFORE.


>>> Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election >>>>>>>24,678 Letters and Emails Sent So Far <<<<<

A few hours ago the count was around 20,000. A few hours before that it was about 16,000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!

People are doing it ! The site shows a running list of those who have just signed the petition there, and how long ago. The top starts with just seconds ago - and a whole of of them.



>>> 24,898 ! just did a refresh, and the NUMBER GROWS !

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe we should write letters to every member of congress with just the sentence 'You will stand before Jesus one day.' "

    Yeah, that's the ticket! And for extra effect, you should write it in your own blood!

    Maybe the solution to the weak job market is to hire more Secret Service agents?
