Monday, November 5, 2012

Why Is Obama So Nasty and Vulgar?

Freepers contemplate their personal version of Obama.

hinckley buzzard knows it's cause of genetics:
Why? Because his parents, whoever they were, were filth. They couldn't teach their wretched spawn anything they themselves didn't know. Low brow sludge like the Bidens were no better. Sadly, they connect with the same underbelly of society they came from, which says nothing good about the country.
wetgundog blames Obama's Kenyan Muslim Chicagoness:
Gutter language and behavior from Kenyan muslim gutter snipe taught in the Chicago dirt throwing political ways.
Right Wing Assault thinks it's cause kids love the naughty-talk:
Barkey and Joe really are getting more outwardly vulgar lately. When the pressure is on, people revert to their true selves and can’t maintain the phoney shell unless they are very disciplined. Which these two aren’t.

The yutes probably think this is very cool, but they are also too cool to vote, I hope.
SaraJohnson knows it's cause Obama's the antichrist:
In spiritual terms, it’s called possession.

If we beat Obama, we need to keep him out of the UN. Christians might understand what I mean here. :)
mountn man takes issue with the thug thing:
Obama WAS NEVER a street thug. His body language is all wrong. This guy had his ass handed to him.

Obama was and always will be a WANNABE street thug. And in reality that makes him even worse to deal with.
lentulusgracchus takes issues with the black thing:
it's sprayed-on. He's a hothouse product of Punahou School and Occidental College, Columbia and Harvard Law. There isn't an ounce of tough in him. That's why military people don't like him -- they can smell the custard and the rot.

Someone said something about Hillary being such a bitch. Said she was suburban-Chicago tough, not downtown-Chicago tough like Obama's thugs, Axelgrease and Plouffe and Mayor Daley's boys.

Bobby Rush derided Obama back in the day and sent him packing -- he knew what Obama was, a "tan man" in a three-piece, a Harvard girlyman with an Oreo culture.
Mamzelle knows Obama picked up his vilgarity from that awful JON STEWART:
JON STEWART. Does anybody have young people around your house? This "comic" can barely get through a sentence without the f-word or s***. And if you're wondering why your own kids are so dirty-mouthed, it's because he is allegedly cool and they imitate him.

What's sad is that this scumbag has kids, himself. Can you imagine how disgusting their homelife must be?

He's mean, he's snide, he's just a terrible, terrible person, but our young people lap up every blasphemous and obscene thing that comes out his his cesspool of a mouth. His creepy sidekick, Colbert, too.

Obama's been on Comedy Central and picked up all the filthy patois.


  1. Is SaraJohnson making a Left Behind reference?

  2. "That’s nothing! At the Obama rally they were performing abortions behind the stage on underage girls. I heard girls screaming for their lives that they weren’t even pregnant but Dr. David Axelrod just laughed at them and told them to grow up! This would be just their first of many future Obamacare abortions!"

    "Who cares what Romney does in real life, as long as I can imagine Obama doing something worse?"

    FReeper realpolitik in a nutshell. Funny thing is, I remember when they were saying they'd sooner die than vote for Romney. Now, they're ready to kill anybody who doesn't! Funny how that works.

  3. Just a couple of threads from tonight (Monday).

    Romney’s Path to 270

    Romney’s backers concede the election with new talking point: voter fraud (Watch your keyboard)

  4. @Anon You'd think so, but sadly many rapture-obsessive types believe the Antichrist will be in charge of the UN or something, even if they don't read Left Behind. Considering the actual goals of the UN, I think God facepalms upon hearing that sort of thing.
