Monday, March 23, 2015

Conclude before reading

I'd mined it for quotes earlier, bu commenter PatR highlighted a facet I didn't initially tweak to.

There was a six-person shooting in Mesa Arizona. As is usual, Freepers don't bother with the facts, with each Freeper dropping the story into their own preferred narrative. Except in this case the guy was white. It said so in the story. While some wend with more universally applicable narratives like media victimization, many Freepers really couldn't believe whites kill people anymore, and so performed some amusing gymnastics to keep to their narrative.

GOPJ urges the dickish high road.

Guess we can all riot now - call in the Feds and be victims.

Or we can do the 'white thing' and assume even if the lowlife is white - that we don't stand with criminals and trash...

AND we can pray the cops get him soon...
*spoilers* It doesn't work.

AEMILIUS PAULUS clearly didn't bother to read more than the headline before deciding what happened:
Was the shooter a “TEEN?”
RightOnTheBorder read further, but only to the first sentence that allowed him to draw the conclusion he wanted:
The shooter, a man in his 40s with a large tattoo on his neck, was still at large

They don't have a code word for an older minority criminal so they just don't say anything. So everyone be on the lookout for a MAN, with a TATTOO. That is all.
Zuben Elgenubi is one of many to cling to some hope about the 'White' description:
A “white Hispanic”. Count on it. Drug deal gone bad.
Perhaps showing a bit more demographic savvy about Arizona, ColdOne prefers his criminals Latin.
Gang member? MS13?
AZ native GoldwaterCountry has it all figured out:
The murderer is most likely a member of a particular subculture (Hispanic gangbanger) with ties to the south of the border drug trade. The Mesa PD are saying a home invasion and carjacking were also tied to the shooting. I’m from suburban Phoenix and know that home invasions and carjackings (along with kidnapping) are cottage industries for criminals from Mexihole and Central America.
Clint N. Suhks knows what goes beyond race!
Religion of peace?
Pilgrim's Progress goes with Muslim...but covered up:
Was the Amish individual shouting anything about Alley Ahkbar, or did the media only forget to mention it.
SoFloFreeper just wants to preemptively claim victimhood:
Quick! Someone in the media blame Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, the NRA, George Bush, Bible ‘clingers’, or the history of American oppression!
That no one actually went this rout will not dissuade him being just as convinced next time.

Logical me just dissolves into worldwide paranoia:
It's all over Europe and Africa, and coming here. AZ just had a killing. And we have King Obama for the turmoil in all over. This insane child has messed up most of the world. And growing.
LurkedLongEnough's tin-foil will never call him racist.
It’s the socialism. The O’Ministration stages one of these ‘bout every month to put something in the headlines to make them [uniformed racists] believe murder by gunshot is about race, guns, or overstep by any current law enforcement official.

Anything but a lone-wolf Islamic terrorist, or a criminal intent yet to be discovered through due process, or terminated via suicide.

The truth binds patriotic armed Americans together. Stay unified against division is my only message.

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