Monday, October 3, 2011

And now this word from outer space

Obama's secret Hitler Code Edition:

I had the the Military Channel on in the background last week. They have a series on Hitler's Bodyguard. I about fell out of my chair when they described Adolph Hitler's pre-Beer Hall Putsch days were spent working as a 'community organizer' for the socialist party.

It sounded just like pure Sual Alinsky. I kid you not, Zero is just another version of Adolph. Who's just another Hamman etc, This spirit of evil and hatred of the Jews moves through human linear time like a 'generational plague' carried by human vermin.

Did you know that Zero's use of the recent Jew tax comment was not a teleprompter mistake. In fact it's been a regular feature, which he's employed several times when he's giving racially charged speeches to the Black Community. He likes to use it in churches best.

We all know that the socialist Left has special code words like 'working families' when they really are talking about overpaid union thugs. Does it surprise anyone that the racist black community and it's counterculture has one too? Here's proof, pay close attention to the crowds reaction to Obama's so called teleprompter mistake, after he amended Jew to janitor they all laughed! Not just giggles, but they roared laughing, because they were sharing the code (it's our special secret, you tell those Jews Barack. We want our share of the money spread it around or else.)

I have heard Obama mis-speak like this several times before. The Rev. Al, Jesse and other community organizers use this insider political doublespeak ploy shamelessly to bind themselves to their constituents. In Alinsky's book, he calls this creating a phony 'inner circle'. Everybody who laughs is part of the greater social justice movement. It makes everyone feel extra special, because they have a secret with the POTUS.

There's a term for it on the streets, It's called a Talk It Back Over (TBO), or take backs when I was younger.

The NBPP leader Shabazz used TBOs several times when he was approached by the media about intimidating voters outside the poling place in Philly.
Black Hitler brought to you by STD (Cut Taxes, Cut Spending Stupid!)

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