Friday, October 21, 2011

"I Met a Typical Democrat Yesterday"

Freeper meets an 80-year-old asshole on the bus in LA. Guy turns out to be liberal, like 90% of folks in LA. Freeper decides thus guy must be typical.

An excerpt from her post:

After he left, I mused: that is a typical liberal male. Chauvinistic,
arrogant, obsessed with sex, pushy, and possessing a tendency to vastly overrate
his own intelligence, wit, and appeal.

GreenAccord find truths in the article:

Primarily, it’s about the utterly offensive nature of so many people in our society.

But also, quite obviously, it’s also about the hypocrisy of the typical liberal. On one hand, outwardly oh so tolerant, yet, in private, disgustingly racist and judgmental based on nothing but their own mal-formed moral codes

In private, i.e. on a public bus!

lwd has a plan:

You should have messed with him and told him you were found him attractive and were ready to elope with him until he opened his mouth and revealed his “sissy” liberal politics.

bmwcyle knows how to deal with an 80-year-old-man hitting on you:

An armed society creates a polite society. Most times you just have to suggest you are carring. It would have help protect the young lady.


  1. Why doesn't this offended Freeper lady pull herself up by her own bootstraps and buy herself a freaking automobile? Like Herman Cain said, if you're not rich, it's your fault.

  2. Everything the original poster says about this liberal could also be said of a typical Freeper. Chauvinistic (women shouldn't be able to make choices about their own bodies), arrogant (anyone who disagrees with Freepers is crazy or evil), obsessed with sex (sticking their noses into what goes on in gay people's bedrooms), pushy (their opinions must be taken as gospel no matter how trivial), possessing a tendency to vastly overrate their own intelligence, wit and appeal (they believe they are funnier, smarter and better-looking than all liberals).
