Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday potpourri.

dragnet2 finds dire significance in US news reporting on the hundreds of death in the Turkish earthquake this week:
Americans are being inundated with foreign news, to the point where it leads the news on a daily basis here in America, all while our own country is circling the drain, with more problem than we have solutions for.

This is obvious to most capable of critical thought who understand they’re conditioning Americans for their globalist, borderless, U.N. one world order schemes.

And ya can’t just “flip the channel” as you suggested because the government controlled media, basically control what ya see and hear regarding news. You haven’t noticed?

For example, while our own borders have become violent out of control war zones, with millions entering this country illegally, as American commits economic suicide, the media constantly runs stories about borders and conflicts in Bullshitistan and Afcrapistan.

Fred Nerks has plans for Obama...

...The government made the guy into a non person by merely destroying his ID at all levels. His CC would not work and his bank account was closed, no birth record , he was barred from his home, could not work and he had no way to prove who he was.

And that's going to end up being Barry's problem when the time comes.

ronnie raygun mixes up Americans and Republicans again...

There is only one item on the Americans checklist “Obama out in 2012”

scooby321 is an idiot:
Its a sad day when the markets trade on Government news.

Well under socialism that is what you get.
nascarnation knows where Obama is going to end up:

If Syria comes unglued, that’s another potential job opp for Obama.

I’ve got him penciled in as the next prez of Kenya in 2013, but he’d be a great fit for these Arab countries too.

edpc worries Perry is henpecked:

His wife had to cajole him to run. She makes excuses for his debating skills. She makes him overhaul his campaign. None of this sounds like he's much of a leader. Perhaps she should run, instead.

Nobody's interested in another Edith Wilson.
Christian Engineer Mass knows what he sees the eyes of the Saudis:
There are saudis here. They HATE us. I have met saudis. I have seen the hate in their eyes.

I have to share a religious center with them. Muzzies used to come in for their Friday prayers. Now they are there every day.

These people HATE us. They do not care a DAMN that they have been given entry to America. It does NOT make them think we are nice. It just makes them think we are stupid, and that it's 'al lah will' that we shoot ourselves in the foot with stupid ideas like this.

Until you have dealt with these people up close and personal, you don't know. They HATE us. Their religion commands them to hate us. They will not stop fighting us until either we are all muslim or they are all dead.

Anyone who is trying to bring muslims into the US is either trying to destroy America, or has absolutely no idea about that religion.
I like how he doesn't even need to provide an anecdote as evidence, just what he sees in their eyes.


  1. The Muslims who know Christian Engineer Mass obviously know that he hates Muslims. Trust me, when you are in a minority group you can tell which ones of the others hate you.

    And poor dragnet2 seems to be schizophrenic. Get back on your meds, dragne2!

  2. dragsh*t2 is another white nationalist foreigner hating paleo. According to this creature, furriners especially Messicans are eeeevil.
