Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hermain Cain: The new Sarah Palin

Savage Beast is falling back in love:

Cain has weathered it all! That's part of the beauty of the man!
Any man who has survived poverty, cancer, racial discrimination, the corporate world, and everything else will certainly not be daunted by a bunch of milquetoast Republicans!
The Democrats are another matter. They will stop at NOTHING!
This situation is very dangerous. They are brutal. They are violent. There is no limit to the depths to which they will sink. And most dangerous of all: they abhor truth, and Cain is armed with it.
Cain is a man of enormous strength, depth, intelligence, resourcefulness--he is brilliant!--but the Democrats, their henchpersons, their Propaganda Machine (the MSM) will literally do ANYTHING to stop Herman Cain and the truth he represents!
He's going to need all the help he can get! And then some!
But if anybody can prevail over American Decadence and those who are drowning in it, it's Herman Cain.

Glad to see the cult of personality is gender-neutral.


  1. He should have ended his rant with these two words: No homo.

  2. why freepers, why freepers ? why do you keep falling in love with these unelectable figures ? You already know they are going to break your heart when they crash and burn if not in the primaries, definitely in the general election !

  3. Obama currently leads Cain by 11 points in the polls. When people find out that Cain wants to impose a 9% federal sales tax on top of their state sales taxes, Obama will lead Cain by much more than that.

  4. Hilarious! It's almost like Savage Beast copy-n-pasted a past Palin gush post and simply replaced her name with Cain's.

    Reminds me of those cult leaders that predict the date the world will end and once the day passes, they immediately set a new date and just keep going without skipping a beat.

  5. @FresnoGrifter,
    Speaking of the end of the world, wasn't it sometime in October that that Harold Camping nutjob was predicting the honest-and-for-true end of the world after his May prediction failed?


    Yep, October 21st, 1 week from today.
