Monday, October 17, 2011

Freepers verus homophobia.

Commenter Will from PA pointed out this article about how Freepers are sad that people call them homophobic. It gets deep into the weeds:

napscoordinator gives a status update on the war against homosexuality:

Sadly, we are severely losing the war on homosexuality. I think we are so far gone that it might be impossible to return to the morals.

It will be tough to win this fight, but one day at a time for us that are fighting this.

savagesusie reviews how gays are all fascist, and also that schools are using psychology to make us all gay like Afghanistan!

Homosexuals most feared book: Pink Swastika (free online) (they are doing everything to ban it, marginalize it, etc.and destroy the authors).....because it contains the truth and the whole history of the homosexual movements and occults throughout history—movements which are always fascist. Political Correctness (calling names like homophobe) is a fascist concept of Herbert Marcuse and the cultural Marxists to destroy debate, so the TRUTH doesn’t get to the useful idiots.

There is no “gay gene”. It is a environmentally learned behavior. They have to corrupt the young to create homosexuals. They have access to the minds of your children and grandchildren to create a homosexual society—like in ancient Greece and today’s Afghanistan—because schools and MSM use psychology in their programming of the minds of the masses. They create their perceptions of right and wrong......parents allow it—they are too busy buying into the materialism to take charge of moral formation.

Ransomed laments how marriage is all about rights nowadays.

I think the root of the problem is that many have been conditioned to think that marriage is merely a collection of benefits and obligations attached to a contract that the gubberment defines. Libs love that most folks think that the institution is only what a few people in black robes say it is, or what the majority thinks it is at the time.

Makes you wonder why civil unions aren't enough, then.

Responsibility2nd could go on for hours:

I could go on for hours explaining the fears we have against the fags and the perverts.

kidd makes a comparison:

I have the same opinion of homosexuals that I have of drug addicts:

- If they are one, but don’t want to be one, they have my support and even could be a friend.

- If they are one, but aren’t hurting anyone and keep it to themselves and don’t identify themselves as one and aren’t trying to spread it, then I can usually ignore this attribute of their personality.

- If they are one, identify themselves as one, try to spread it, try to get kids involved, or try to make public policy in their favor, then they have earned my wrath.

There is no fear (phobia) in my personal opinion of homosexuals.

N. Theknow is raging devout semantics:

A homophobe is a homosexual who can’t stand to admit his homosexuality, so he refers to himself as gay.


  1. That's some prime crazy right there. Good find, Will!

  2. No wonder our madcap friends at Free Republic so frequently write about their fantasies of violence. They are indeed "severely losing". They are losing on all fronts.

    Where do their hopes lie now?

  3. I loved the one attempt to somehow link Ancient Greece, Nazi Germany, and modern Afghanistan as part of some unified grand queermosexual conspiracy. I mean, huh?

    I didn't see it explicitly mentioned in the quotes you pulled, but Freepers love to cite the inaccuracy of calling them "homophobes" because that implies they fear gays. Like the etymology of the word really makes a difference. In modern parlance, a homophobe is someone who dislikes gays. And of course, Freepers clearly *do* fear gays, just like they fear everything else.

  4. I couldn't figure out how to submit a link to the blogger, but here's a great example of FreeperMadness about Saint Sarah:

  5. I'm the one who made the previous comment. Someone at FR is messaging Jimbo to get him to take down the post because people on other sites will "point and laugh." lol I have a screen capture if you'd like it.

  6. @DS,
    Wow, that is pretty creepy. Even too creepy for most Freepers. Here, I've saved the page with WebCite so that it will still be there even if JimRob does take it down:

  7. First it was islamofascism, which I never understood, and now Freepers are talking about homofascism.

    It's getting to be difficult to keep up with all these phony fascisms.

  8. @ euphgeek- no problem! i have to say, i always love reading the 'homosexualagenda' part of freerepublic- it's masochistic, but i always enjoy a quality dose of crazy, and that part of the board in particular delivers it regularly.
