Monday, October 31, 2011

The very angry first lady

Not that Michelle Obama has done anything special lately, but the Washington Times had an article about how she's angry all the time, and Freepers piled on.

Alas, much of this post was censored after I noted it as good fodder. But hooray, the crazy was thick enough that even the residuum is postworthy:

chessplayer starts us off:
The First Cow is always angry.

Mountain Mary clearly knows Michelle Obama well:
What an ugly woman, both inside and out.
A friend of mine used to see her in Chicago pre Wee Wee’s immaculation... Her usual MO was that she wore no makeup and had the friz mop pulled back in a tight bun. Scary.

Speaking of pre’08, I was obsessively waiting for a news report of a Mooch “Whitey tape” to come from the archives of JW’s church. “Those evil Whiteys don’t understand the SCHTRUGGLES we’ve seen”. :-)
Alas, it went the way of the 18 minute Watergate tape.

No makeup, scaaary!

jospehm20 blames Obama for Michelle being so hated:
I think it is mostly because her husband is gay and she is just a beard.

Cowgirl of Justice also sees evidence that Obama's not a Real Man cause he's just letting folks insult his wife on the Internets.
My husband would have been all over anyone who DARED to LIE about me, not release some limp wristed statement. BO didn’t ONCE say the tape didn’t exist and that sentence was his out, a way to say that her views had changed from being racist.

We know you, Michelle. That is why we don’t like you. You hate people based on the color of their skin and we dislike you based on the content of your character.

I'm sure Texas resident also hated Laura Bush for this stuff:
Hard to figure what she would to be angry about.

She lives like a dictatoress.
1st class food anytime.
Living off someone elses dollar.
Rides on the world’s best corporate jet.
Gets to flaunt her lifestyle with a drooling fawning press.

Wow, dictators aren't what they used to be.

This seems like it's mostly women. There may be something to that. I'll keep an eye out for that pattern.

1 comment:

  1. The demonization of Democratic women is an old trick of these Republicans.

    Think back, you can easily make a list yourself. They do this all the time.
