Saturday, October 8, 2011

Freepers aren't settling for Romney

As the Republican field has become set, and the othe candidates all screw up, Mitt Romney is looking more and more dominant. Freepers are not thrilled with this turn of events:

has standards:

I will not vote for Romney. No way. No how. Don’t care what happens to the republicans if they put this liberal up as the nominee. I will not vote for him. End of subject.

PALIN SMITH replies:
You are a pathetic traitor!

ilovesarah2012 backs up RetiredArmy though.
I will, under no circumstances, vote for Romney. If he gets the nomination, I hope Cain runs as third party.
Paperdoll blames the illuminati

Well, if Romney gets it, we’v had it either way! Read “The Illuminati, Fact and Fiction’, by Mark Dice. Mormonism is a secret society, too! Don’t you suppose that’s why the Malibu Ken doll has had the lead all along?

july4thfreedomfoundation has a new hope:

I think Donald Trump is the wild card.

Trump has threatened to run as an independent if he doesn’t like the GOP nominee. Whether he will pull the trigger and actually do it, who knows. I’m sure the Obama-bots will be happy if Trump jumps in.


  1. Sooner or later, Freepers are going to have to come to the realization that the vast majority of Americans don't want their particular brand of "conservatism." When that happens, FR will become one big "sour grapes" forum where they keep telling each other that "any day now" people will realize how right Freepers were.

    This is starting to come true where some of them are realizing that the only choices they have are between an electable "RINO" and a completely unelectable, batshit insane "conservative."

  2. I agree. I suspect the 2012 election will be something of a reckoning for them. Should be fun!

  3. The Republican Party is looking for someone who can win Ohio and Florida in the next Presidential election. Freepers have a different agenda.

    In the great Sarah Palin thread some commenters noted that they'd been pilloried for criticizing Palin and had in fact been called unchristian for doing so. That's the key.

    Freepers don't want to vote for a Mormon. Freepers have a religious agenda. Their aim is the make their religious views law and magic underpants have no part in their scheme.
