Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Potpourri

matginzac thinks Obama is super uncool:
And how does anyone make the case that this bozo is cool after:
A) the mom jeans
B) the girl pitch
C) “I have to ask Mooch and/or Val to do stuff”
D) bowing to everyone
C) thinking “God Save the Queen” was back ground music...
Need I go on?
Cool, my a**
Linda Frances really wants Republicans to take over the FCC and start 'leveling the playing field:
if we get a republican in office, they need to get control of the FCC and level the playing field. It will take someone willing to be criticized and maligned, but would stand firm.
Buckeye McFrog wants to find some Democratic Akin-type:
What goes around comes around. I’m sure we can find some Democrat running in a primary somewhere who makes Al Franken seem stable by comparison. And we’re gonna make sure he has the biggest Primary war chest EVER!
Steely Tom knows there is no such thing as a legit GOP idiot - they're all plants!
Isn’t it obvious that Akin is a plant?
varyouga also thinks Aken is paid off:
It's looking more and more like a F’n set-up. Throw a big enough overseas bank account at some “Republicans” and they will say anything.

Notice how every single news article, newscast and DNC communication related to these clowns starts with the word “Republican”.

Since it happened, the ‘rats have been repeating that “rape” comment nonstop in their communications to make sure all their shock troops repeat it to swing voters.

It also sickens me to see so many FReepers taking the bait.
LearsFool advocates we drop the Constitution and get with the Declaration!
Levin knows the Constitution, no doubt about that. His mistake is in placing it above the Declaration, which argues that the duty of any form of government is to secure the right to life.

The Constitution, then, is merely a means to an end. Levin here is revering the means at the expense of the end.
mdmathis6 thinks Obama might nuke the US.
Obama is not one of us. Yes I could see people of his type nuking a section of the country that has gone rogue against them. They are moral relativists and they want to get the population down anyway. Nukes can be scaled down and don't think they still don't have the parts for a few neutron bombs lying around which won't leave lasting radiation effects on the country side when the people are taken out.

I have no illusions concerning just how evil some of these people are and how ruthless they'll be to acheive their ends!
GOPJ's paranoia is used to rationalize his inaction:
Homeland Security is becoming like an army. No one in the press is asking why Homeland Security is doing dry runs at shooting people at Social Security offices. It makes no sense at all... There is nothing the MSM or the Obama administration wants MORE than citizens protecting themselves. Chicago goons are looking for an excuse... and we’re not going to give them one..
dfwgator discusses Rodney King:
The LAPD didn’t beat him bad enough. Might still be alive today, they might’ve actually knocked some sense into him.
cricket thinks Obama is probably related to Osama:
(We cannot fail to note too; that Obama also resembles another infamous face - that of Osama Bin Laden. Must be some deep tribe connections per genes: all of which would not serve anyone - else, that is - looking to be Prez.)
It was only a matter of time before some kookoo said that Hurricane Isaac was because of RINOS. Marcella is that kookoo:
Just saw an update on weather channel. Winds will be at least 100 mph and its name will be Isaac. Isaac was the son of Abraham and was God’s choice (instead of Ishmael who is the father of the Arabs). The name, Isaac, means “he laughs”. That may be an appropriate sign from God that He laughs at both parties choice for president.

Conservatism is dead and I believe God is not happy about that. Let’s see what Isaac, the hurricane, does.
pallis starts out sane, but ends awash in homosexuals and commies:
Here is my prediction. There will be an election. Obama will lose. Obama will turn over the presidency to Romney.

There will be a lot of Democrat voter fraud during the election, as usual. Obama will accuse Romney and some red states of committing fraud, as is to be expected. If there were any justice in the world, Obama and his family, and all the hundreds of homosexuals and commies working in the White House would be forced to walk out to Pennsylvania Ave. and take a school bus to Chicago. But that won’t happen.
shibumi thinks Michelle Obama's dress is Majick:
How do you explain election night with the Obama’s in Black & Red & Michelle in that ugly Black & Red Dress with the “X” in the center of dress??

Oh, there's an explanation all right, another topic all together. (You sure you want to hear it?)

Back and Red are power colors in High Ritual Majick.

Her design is that of The Black Widow.


This "administration" is steeped in the occult, complete with a Usurper who shows obvious signs of demonic possession and the ritual slaughter of infants.

There is no such thing as coincidence. Calling this regime "dark" is a multi-level entendre.


  1. "Calling this regime "dark" is a multi-level entendre."


    1. He's "Dorksided!"

      I really do imagine lots of Freepers resemble that crazy lady from Wife Swap.

    2. Nah, we'll leave that to your side.
