Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What one issue do voters want addressed at the Republican National Convention?

Man, I do love when Freepers do a wish list thread. Freepers unbound! This time, they discuss what the GOP platform should really be:

11th_VA wants more anti-illegal stuff:
What other country in the world would allow someone to enter illegally, lay down roots, use the public systems and deplete taxpayer money? I can't think of one. If a law is broken and the person is not punished, what message does that speak to the next offender? In California, we face overcrowded schools, high unemployment and cities filing for bankruptcy -- yet the government turns a blind eye to those that ...
dragnet2 also with the illegals:
Hmmm...Lets see....what is costing the tax payers tens of hundreds of billions every year...hummm...Uncontrolled borders and immigration....Naw...The GOPe won’t touch it.
It's quite a theme. Arguably Free Republic's most consistently extreme position since I started reading the site in 2003.

FlingWingFlyer knows if you just interpret the Constitution the right way, it's all in there:
I'd like to see the GOP address the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
One Name also looks to the Constitution as the silver bullet:
“How many federal agencies which have no foundation in the Articles of the Constitution are you prepared to eliminate?”
ballplayer wants more bombs:
The Decimation of our Nuclear deterent.Leaving the country at the mercy of our Enemies
a fool in paradise is worried about those six New Black Panthers guys:
How about PROSECUTE those who would use force to intimidate voters on election day?
Toespi wants to roll back freedom of speech:
The republicans #1 issue is media bias, until there is a solid front against these stinking liars, and a plan to counter their malpractice all is lost. They have once again allowed the liberals to moderate the debates, so I would like to hear why and what can be done to stop it.
Manic_Episode either had an autocorrect issue, or the GOP is much more into D&D than I thought...
The deficit, birth certificate, Kobold.
11th_VA thinks if it worked in 1960s, it'll work today:
I really think if Romney gives a Jack Kennedy speech saying, "by the end of the decade we will be energy independent ...," it could be game over for Obama.
More than a few Freepers got pretty excited about this idea.

DannyTN wants a "Romney converts" plank.
But what I’d most like to see is Romney repent of his Mormonism and past actions that supported gay marriage and accept traditional Christianity.
ProtectOurFreedom wants more McCarthyism:
How do we once and for all annihilate communism in our country and restore the true constitutional republic?
Seaplaner's plank is quite direct:
I'm a true "one issue" voter.
I am a veteran, a Dad (of two currently in uniform), and a grandparent.

I am retired (sorta).

My "one issue"?

I worry that the Marxist in the White House might be re-elected because some very good conservatives and other very nice people want a perfect candidate, and that they would see our precious Republic fail in order to settle a score with the GOP "insiders".
"Stop fighting and vote Romney!"
Seems legit.


  1. Both parties need to include platform planks about kobolds!

    1. FREEPERFAN MOLESTS CATSAugust 30, 2012 at 12:36 AM

      Please touch me. I'm so alone.

  2. "Tens of hundreds of billions?"
    You mean, like, trillions?
    The entire US budget isn't even 4 trillion.
