Friday, February 6, 2015

Spotlight Friday: same old song

 Something a bit different today. A Freeper of only moderate hatefulness, who doesn't post too often.

It's the demographics that make this one really stand out. She's a 26-year-old female Freeper. A millennial Freeper?!!! 

She posts a lot about her life, which I will allow to unfold through her posts. It's interesting, and a reminder that there is a dwindling number of Freepers not bent on constant bile.

Defending her people:
Not everyone under 30 voted for Obama.
A Freeper since she was 14:
You’ve been on FR since you were 14?

Yes. Mom raised me well.. She’s been on since ‘98.
Pessimism as a student in 2008:
Contrary to popular belief, there are college students that didn’t vote for Obama, like myself. But that doesn’t mean I won’t reap what the rest of my generation sowed, unfortunately.

It’s very frustrating knowing that I probably won’t be able to find work after I graduate, due to other people’s poor decisions. (I am finishing up a Physics/Business degree. No Art History or Women’s Studies here.)
3 years later:
I graduated over three years ago with a physics and business degree, and I’ve only been able to work seasonal retail ever since.

It’s depressing to think about, really. I’m 25 now. All I want is to provide for my family and work hard, and I can’t find an opportunity to do so.
A little hint of racism:
have you ever looked at the average SAT scores for historically black colleges? It should be embarrassing, but it’s not to them. The majority of those kinds of schools are filled with students that could never get into any other 4-year institution. I’ve seen a lot of historically black schools with SAT *averages* below 400 pts a section. With scores like that you should be retaking middle school classes, not entering college.
I couldn't find those stats, but if true, her prescription does not sound right.

Almost sane on Obamacare:
I know that under ObamaCare states were “supposed” to expand Medicaid.. and a lot didn’t. (Good.) But having this giant hole in their system is not going to work. I haven’t seen too many people talking about this particular issue.
El Paso was a bit...Mexican for her:
My husband and I recently moved from El Paso (thanks Army), and it was a scary place. I felt unsafe usually, and couldn’t find a job unless I was bilingual. Ho hum. On an unrelated note, we’re in Alabama now and I love being in a solid red area for once.
Well, not that she didn't enjoy that scary place:
Lived in El Paso for a while, husband is Army. I actually enjoyed it, but wouldn’t dare get close to the border or go south of I-10, usually.
She's not into the qiverfull deal:
I would have loved to start a family already. However, I always had the notion that I should be financially comfortable before bringing another life into this world. After graduating college, I haven’t found anything resembling a career. I’m only 26, I suppose I have time.. But all I’m hearing is “tick, tick, tick”!
But she likes her gender roles:
I’m a “millennial” and I like my men strong and manly... A “man’s man” as they call it in this article. My husband is in the military and has a very interesting job.. I’m very proud and he makes me feel safe.

I work and am college educated, I could try to be an equal - but I enjoy being the woman, and being married to a MAN. None of these wimps that emasculate themselves or inflate their wives’ egos. I see it far too often with my friends and it makes me worry for their future children..
Gay relationships in video games? Ain't no thing:
I love to see fellow SWTOR players on FR. 47 Sorcerer here.

The “romancing” of same-sex companions isn’t a big deal. Vette with the shock collar and the torture in this game are worse, but still not bad enough to write a news article about it.
Not the best physicist:
While getting my physics education I bumped heads a lot with my professors. They always taught us how BIG space is and how things can change, fast.... and violently. However, they believed in man made global warming.

For humans to think that we, an insignificant blip on the grand history of the universe, could actually affect our planet to such an extent is elevating our species to something more than what we are capable of. Outside influences and natural influences on our planet have a far greater affect on our climate than ourselves. Try looking at sunspot activity vs earth’s temperature sometime. I had a presentation on that once back in the day.. Nothing but crickets afterwards... ;)
She's going back to school. Possibly a happy ending?
Working on my eng degree and I hope we still have jobs for us in this country when all is said and done..


  1. If she hasn't worked at anything but "seasonal retail" since her graduation, I believe there is something more going on than just the "bad economy".

    However, with a physics degree, and being in Alabama, she is more than qualified to pass herself off as a "climate expert" for the American Family Association or some other conservative group denying global climate change.

    1. Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The fact she doesn't believe in science might be holding her back a bit.

    2. Oh, she believes in most areas of science. FReepers just don't believe in climate science or sometimes evolution because it's inconvenient for their views.

  2. SME here. A Physics degree is nice, but the opportunities with just an undergrad diploma aren't exactly ubiquitous. Business degree? Dual-majoring isn't exactly easy, but she's not much older than I and Business degrees ..not exactly something to brag about unless you're a Harvard MBA. surprise that she's been working retail. Hard work is great, but she also needed a plan for after college what she wanted to do and get the work experience (internship/co-op/research etc) Retail has to suck, but she's not the only one who simply assumed going to college and hard work would get you a career in the modern age.

    1. Statistics and Economics here. I have absolutely NO idea how she could have a Physics degree and a Business degree and could only find work in retail.

      Something isn't passing the smell test, unless she became overwhelmed with both degrees and barely graduated and now her collegiate record is tarnished.

      Who knows?

    2. As far as I know, a BS in physics is basically useless unless you want to teach, and even then schools probably want (or at least wish for) some kind of education background as well. She could certainly be using the MBA to work up the managerial ladder in retail, which would make some amount of sense at least.

  3. *BSME. Whoops. I'm not speaking for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers...

    1. One last thing. If she completes her degree, she'll likely get a job (assuming decent grades, etc) because one advatage she has over a lot of new grads because she's a she and..wait for it...
      ...companies want a more diverse workforce and STEM jobs are still dominated by men. Funny, isn't it.

    2. Exactly this.

      Something isn't right about what she's posted about her degree. She's either lying or did something really bad during her education.

      STEM recruiters would crawl over broken glass for a woman with a degree in Physics and Business but she works in retail? Sounds fishy to me.

      Then again, her comments about race might have kept even the desperate of recruiters away for the troubles she'll end up giving to HR down the road.

    3. Depends where she is. She does say her hubby is military, and she goes where he goes. "Likely to have to move to the other end of the country on a months notice" isn't terribly attractive to recruiters.

      Not so bad for someone with a few years under their belt, especially the ones in the early 30s sweet spot with both qualifications and relevant experience, but I can see it being a deal breaker for someone just starting out.

    4. If her husband is in the military and Alabama, I would put money on being in the Huntsville area. There are a TON of military contractors there that are likely used to working with military families.

      A BS in physics alone isn't useful really except for then going to grad school, but I wouldn't be surprised if she's using her situation to push a specific narrative and likely fully understands her situation.

  4. "...have you ever looked at the average SAT scores for historically black colleges? It should be embarrassing, but it’s not to them. The majority of those kinds of schools are filled with students that could never get into any other 4-year institution. I’ve seen a lot of historically black schools with SAT *averages* below 400 pts a section."


    Well if you can believe colleges who post what their incoming Freshman get on these tests, then you have to believe that Duke is equal to Stanford...which it isn't.

    Only 1% of Howard University students- a HBC- has SAT scores of what she says. And there's probably a reason why those individuals are enrolled (i.e.: parents bought a school wing a'la George H.W. Bush).

    The best HBC are good schools, but they're not the best in the country. They're typically average to above average. The well-known ones are better than Florida or Maryland, but not as good as what Duke suggests their numbers are.
