Sunday, July 19, 2015

"I no longer love my country."

From the true patriotism of hating those who are ruining America, for many Freepers flag games just aren't enough, and they have succumbed to bitterness and now hate America itself because Patriotism!

When Freeper ilovesarah2012 posts "I fear the day will come when I will say that I no longer love my country." Many Freepers are way ahead of her.

GeronL doesn't quite hate America yet...
Oh, I am getting closer by the day
skeeter just hates half of America:
I will always love its history, tradition & heritage.

I still love half of it. The other half I hold in complete and utter contempt.
Vision Thing keeps things easy - love the Republican states, hate the Democratic ones!
As long as you say you love the red states, you’ll be fine. The blue states may seem like they are winning, but they are too dumb to notice they are on the road to self destruction.
As if summoned greene66 shows up to declare how NOW he totally hates America, just like he said in 2014.
I don’t mind saying it. I don’t love this country as it is now constituted. It’s become a culturally deviant sewer of a nation, that no longer shares any of the characteristics that elicited the love I once harbored for it.

The SC is about to put the final nail in the coffin, if it’s not there already. A country that morally and legally equates two homo perverts as the same as a married couple is no longer a country I’ll ever support or lift a finger for.
unixfox makes a fine distinction:
Love your country.

Hate your government.

Works for me.
sport makes an even odder distinction:
It is not the Country. It is the people in it.
I understand that the people make up the Country, therefore, we are in one hell of a mess. For now and the forseeable future.

These young Obama worshipers have no idea of the misery they are in for.
So I guess he only likes the territory, but not the people on it?

Yep, Wallace T. hates America; he just reserves the name America for the past.
I will always love the country that was. Love for the central North American entity south of Canada and north of Mexico, not so much.


  1. Har ... unifox, 45 years later, finally agrees with the leftist radical hippies of 1970.
    Abbie Hoffman is smiling down from heaven.

  2. The jimcompoop issues his second hypocritical call for "civility" on FR today ...
    About that vitriol you're getting ready to post against your pro-life, pro-family conservative ally

    Yes, Jim, lets all be civil until you start this election year cycle's whole scale purges again, or decide that you're not all that fond of the Roman Catholics after all.

    Too little, too late to save the rotted out husk of a forum that FR has become.
