MDaF looked this one up. I hadn't even heard the story.
There's a bit of a Freeper flame war over
how much to hate Mary Cheney for being gay. I, of course, am focusing on the haters, cause the name of the blog is not "Freeper Classy Civility."
LonelyCon is pretty short with Dick Cheney:
Yeah, we're so happy for your pervert daughter, Dick. Now shut up all you RINOs and go back in the closet.
JSDude1 actually turns on the Sainted Dick:
Never liked the Cheneys, they were alsways the rulling class elitist (anti-Christian) Republicans.
madprof98 has invented a new right:
Every child has a right to both a mother and a father. These two
children were deliberately deprived of that right. Their “mothers” can
call themselves married or whatever else they want, but they cannot
rectify the evil they have done against innocent human lives. divorcee if you have kids, then!
No idea how
savagesusie doesn't get tired of her own act:
“Marriage” is an impossibility. The way Marxists destroy language to
control perceptions and form “reality” of children is evil. Chaney’s are
evil for trying to destroy Christian Ethics which made this country
great and replace them with Satanism—nihilistic, debasing acts which
will always be a Vice. Shame on you, Chaneys—and you have grandchildren
whose Concepts of human Nature will be totally warped and right out of
the handbook of Satan.
Maybe she's one of those
Turing test AIs.
Travis McGee
We are in late stages, CB, late stages. Weimar, just before Adolf. Crazy times, kinky times, no rules, no values....
About to hit the Big Reset Button. The survivors will determine the new value system.
Perhaps after centuries of Dark Ages.
I mean, after Rome started in with the gayness, they had like 400 years left, tops!
Jim from C-Town has his own definitions of words:
Mary and her partner have never had children together. Mary had a
child with the help of an unnamed masturbate who inseminated her by
proxy months after he self gratified with little more in mind than the
$50? he received for his ‘efforts’. She and her two bastard children co
habitat in a sinful relationship with their mothers fellow pervert.
Mary and her ‘partner’ are not now nor will they ever be ‘married’ as
pretending that the deviant relationship is a marriage, doesn't make it
AnonymousConservative analogizes a gay couple having kids to a dog infection:
I love Dick Cheney, and hate to say it, but I draw the line at kids.
If she and her partner wanted to live alone it’s one thing. But the
research shows now, it’s a bad deal for the kids, which will not get
them any sympathy from me. (Dick is another story, God bless him).
If I carried a latent viral infection, which would make any dog I had
mildly sick, I wouldn’t have any dogs, ever. I’d rather know that the
dogs I would have had, were healthy and loved elswhere. Why people don’t
feel this way with their own kids is beyond me.
brent13a has never met a happy gay person.
Perhaps all your gay friends are the exceptions to the rule but I
have never met a truly "happy" homosexual. They are consistently never
able to maintain a real romantic relationship which is coupled by at
least moderate mental issues.
Professionally I run into two types of
homosexuals, one is the constant domestic abuser, the second is the
suicidal, on many occasions I've even ran into the older/younger stalker
relationship paradigm. None of them have been had ever been "happy".
Neither personally nor professionally have I yet to run into a
homosexual couple that was "normal" (in any way) with the normal
man-woman- hetero couple problems.
apillar responds to the many Freepers wishing the married couple happiness:
It's scary how many so called "conservatives" these days support
sodomites and Gay Marriage. In my opinion it should be a banable offense
on freerepublic considering it's in direct opposition to social and
religious values our country was founded on.
Because you can't wish someone well if they're gay!
wardaddy counsels a Freeper who is shocked at the nastiness:
I believe you are female ...have you ever considered googling with your filter off what gay men consider pleasure?
My mother was a fag hag as was my wife....I pressured them to educate
themselves about the fact that homosexuality is more than witty thin men
who have good taste and are creative and love to dress women...and do
it well i might add
I don't think most women who think homosexuals are cutesy really know much about it...just saying
if you are a man-dog like me and peruse the net looking at naked girls
at times you will invariably see something queer pop up....and it will
shock you like a car wreck...the old Pacino movie Cruising touched on it
till the Velvet Mafia in Hollywood made sure that kernel of truth never
sees the light of day again
It is pretty amazing how many facts Freepers get from melodramatic action movies.