Friday, June 15, 2012

Obama administration to offer immunity to up to 800,000 illegals

Obama is using DHS to enact a limited form of the DREAM Act, letting illegal children get educations.  Freepers rage sure enough, though they also seem to be suffering from a bit of outrage fatigue as well.  Maybe its that this is a retread of their DREAM Act bloviating, maybe they sense how little support they have on this issue.

halfright uses her dead mother in an attempt to wring a bit more drama out of the issue. 
My 79 year old Mother, Betty Geissler, died Feb 4th. She is the one who started me in FR. She registered after I showed her how but never made a post. Read FR hourly for many years. She was a prayer warrior before there were prayer warriors. As much as I miss her I am glad she didn’t have to witness this idiot taking our country down the toilet. It would have driven her mad. I know she is rolling over in her grave as we speak. I am waiting in EAGER anticipation to a response from Congress and eventually SCOTUS. If things continue you can find me in the Caribbean under the closest palm tree with my laptop and FR.
sickoflibs really hates how America doesn't hate illegal children enough:

 notice he sees little political drawback in doing this. Romney is unlikely to say anything and in response to the few congressmen who object Obama will claim it is ‘same old, same old’ political attacks.
America is sleeping while obama burns down the country.
 sickoflibs is pretty despondent: 
 Between Obama/Pannetta forcing DOD to celibrate Gay Pride Month and this executive order version of the failed Dream Act legislation, and Romney being a coward (more likely traitor) on both, I find the whole thing discouraging.
Fresh Wind knows these folks will vote, despite being underage and not citizens!
Baraq Sheik Obomba has just created 800,000 votes for himself.
 spodefly knows illegals always have access to top-flight forgers:
 What this says is, “grab anyone under the age of 30, head for the US, meet up with your document forgers as necessary to make a convincing 5 year paper trail, and viola. Enjoy America!!”
 Minnesota fox thinks this is Watergate for Obama:
It is time for a committee of respected elders from both parties to visit the White House, a la Nixon, to demand - it is over.
 varina davis breaks out this tautology:
The timing is exquisite. Helps take the spotlight off Eric Holder, the economy and a myriad of other Obama fails.
Of course, since Freepers are always finding something to be outraged at Obama, the timing is always exquisite.  It's really quite elegant in it's circularness.

Iron Munro doesn't understand executive orders:
Blatant pandering.
It is a violation of the law and Obama’s oath of office.
Nothing gives him the right to decide which laws to enforce and which laws to ignore.
He took an oath to enforce both.
Obama is not a king or a Soviet Premier, although he thinks he is.
Williams states the obvious in a super angry tone:
 They are NOT Americans.
Though somehow I suspect the 'yet' may elude him till the end of his days.

Williams thinks Obama is cleverly stitching together voters who rarely vote:
Obama’s coalition is to be illegals, welfare cases, minorities only. He has decided to double down and lead a “revolution” of disaffected leftist groups.
We don’t need no stinkin jobs either, because he will give work permits to citizens of another country while millions of Americans are thrown out of the work force.
 altura is ready for Romney!
How do you like your brown-eyed boy now, everyone?
Romney’s looking better to me, how about you?
 skeeter wishes the press were as crazy as he was:
 WHY didn't the reporter say anything about the Constitutionality of this move?
Doesn't having a rogue despot in the White House bother them in the least?


  1. Freepers have every right to be furious at this new development.
    Obama has just let 800,000 illegals live in a country that they do not belong and shouldn't even set foot in.

    Before all of you call me racist and accuse me of being some sort of crazy extremist, let me educate and make you see beyond your liberal mindset.

    "Racism" is a liberal invention. No person hates blacks or mexicans. Do you hate giraffes and kangaroos? They just are different beings that can't be put on the same social plane. People will have a social plane exclusive to them. A cat or dog can't be part of a city council because, well, they are cats and dogs. Same applies to what liberals call "minorities".

    I don't even need to further explain this. Have you ever been to Africa ? Have you noticed how everything wasn't exactly up to par as in America ?

    1. I just love your Stormfront talking points. They're funny.

  2. What of black lawyers, doctors? Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas...They seem to have decent success, just like real people. Amazing, no?
