dandiegirl thinks she's being laughed at:
From what I have been reading, it seems that people around the world know that BO is a Muslim, know he was born in Kenya and know he is a loser. Only in the USA do we have to deny what the whole world knows to be true about him. They laugh at Americans that believe his total bs and the media that continually props up his lies.Ann Archy knows how to tell if Obama is strapped for cash:
We’ll know he’s in trouble if Michelle and the girls don’t take vacations worth MILLIONS of DOLLARS!! Watch the vacations!! I see County Fairs or State Fairs in their future!Mr. K sees the government conspiracy behind cheap car leases:
I saw a commercial on TV the other day about LEASING a new Chevy for $39 a MONTHliberalh8ter lets another Freeper know that they're totally not crazyL
( I recorded it )
They cannot possibly make money on that
I said it right from the start- Obambi did not need to take over the entire auto industry, only one company- they use the power of the tax dollars to drive the others out of business
who can compete with a $39 a month lease?
I won't call you paranoid; you're using logic and common sense. That's not paranoia. Given the proclivities of the current administration, I'd say you hit a bullseye.RavenATB describes liberals, but somehow manages to explain Freepers instead:
The very essence of liberalism is disrespect for the rights of others. It really doesn't matter who the victim of liberal aggression is. They justify their viciousness because they have been trained to believe that their cause is the just cause, and everyone who opposes them is evil.Talisker has the same old song:
Communist China's EXISTENCE is a crime against humanity. There will be NO peace on earth as long as Communist China EXISTS.Can replace China with Islam, or Russia in the 1980s, etc. etc.
MHGinTN explains the Supreme Court's plan to impose The New World Order!
We are witnessing the SCOTUS of the pirate Roberts kicking the bastard can down the road.
The plan appears to be to allow some challenged to little barry’s eligibility to proceed, slowly, until the election is over, the swearing in of another President has happened and thus the eligibility of the past occupant is a mute point.
Don’t expect the Roberts court to uphold or defend the Constitution when he was placed at the helm for the specific reason to circumvent OUR Constitution as the new world order takes gradual control of America via fiat treaties and fraudulent rulings.
we will be maneuvered into the same usurpation now in evidence in the EU if we do not stop these traitors. Look at traitors like Trent Lott and how he has sold US out to the UN Treaty of The Seas! What must the democrats and their power bosses hold in a file that makes Trent Lott so easy to flip to their NWO agenda? RINOs will be the aide de camps for the democrat abortion of the Republic.RC2 explains why blacks vote Democrat - genetic fear!
When the slaves got the vote, they were forced to vote Democrat. They do so today out of habit and fear. That cycle has to be broken. Their families voted Democrat, so they vote Democrat.LS thinks birthers are totally helping:
I say, "Go TRUMP!" The more "birther" stuff that is out there, the more Americans really do ask, "Who the heck is this guy who appears to be a Muslim half the time?"chessplayer was in the military, but hates America now:
I served decades ago. If I could have seen beforehand what this country would become, no way in hell would I have served.tomkat has some trenchant analysis:
Øbama is a pussy and nothing will ever change that fact.So Obama's pussyness is a symptom of his cowardice? Impressive! I also like 'his' in quotes.
Hiding behind an elective officewon't change it;
nor will cringing behind Moo's fat trailer-trash ass;
nor will cowering behind all the race pimps and NewKKKs in the world.
It's a symptom of a deep and abiding inner cowardice, of which every fiber of 'his' narcissistic psychosis is aware, every minute of every day.
Gaffer knows what it means when the economic numbers are down - the real numbers are even worse!
What this means that the real numbers are much, much worse. So bad that even the big government/MSM lie-machine could pull of this kabuki unemployment scam any longer.CitizenM knows Elizabeth Warren is working for the Devil to get Ted Kennedy's Satanic Senate Seat:
The Devil owns that Senate seat, and it's a "hot" one in many ways. Remember who held it before...the notorious Ted Kennedy whose cowardly actions at Chappaquiddick caused the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, and whose lies were covered and paid for by Kennedy money (earned from other criminal actions). That did not deter Massachusetts voters from electing Kennedy over and over.lgjhn23 explains how while all liberals are crazy, Obama's extra crazy and will melt down any day now:
Obviously Warren is, indeed, doing the Devil's bidding and has been well-prepared to keep the lies flowing. Ted is probably cheering her on. At the rate she is going, one day she will join him in another hot place.
We all know liberalism, or whatever name you want to call it, is a chronic deteriorating mental disease. However in zippy’s case, I think what we’re seeing is him slipping off into complete insanity. I think he’s losing it totally and his handlers are beside themselves with what to do with him. I would not be surprised in the least to see zippy with a total mental breakdown before the election and the DNC run Hitlery in his place.shadowland:
I’m not opposed to people being contrarian. In fact I prefer people to be free thinkers than marching in lockstep with the group. One thing I hate about the Democratic party is how regimented and marching in lockstep it has become. Still, when I see someone claiming to be a conservative on what is obviously a right-leaning website, and opposing in near every post the general beliefs of the people who use the site, it raises a red flag for me. It smacks of gamesmanship, it smells of ‘the lie.’ It makes me think of Obama and his style."I like dissent, unlike Democrats. Also, if you dissent, I think you're a secret Democrat"."
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