I have a lot to get to - Star Wars, electoral shenanigans, Fed rate raising tin foil...But I had a busy Monday and a lazy weekend, so here's Freepers yelling at each other about The Gays.
Civil rights for sexual orientation and gender has been galloping along, and the GOP for once seems to have managed to clumsily get out of the way. This includes some Freepers, though others are pretty into fighting the good fight, regardless of the politics.
Tellingly, the folks that get to the thread first seem hardcore against any acceptance of gayness - in policies, as allies, whatever. It's only when some latecomers show up that a purely anti-liberal tribalism is brought up in contrast to the 'we hate these groups, of which liberals are only the largest' of the
Old school crowd.
Zionist Conspirator does not take kindly to a Freeper who says some gays are the good kind:
Most of my gay friends are not about pushing a social agenda. They just want to be left alone. This idea that all gays want the throw it in our faces is yet another lie by the left to divide us. We need to get away from the manufactured fights and stand together on the things we do agree on. There will never be a winning party that agrees 100% on everything because you limit the number of people you can attract. You have to take the wins you can get.
Divide "us?" So now you're including homosexuals (not "gays") in "us?" Kindly include me out of any such grouping.
surroundedbyblue - being friends with gay people is impossible, because they are too different:
Gay friends, huh? I work with lots of gays and transgenders but I don’t call them friends. My friends are people I share common values with, and those people don’t see the world the way I do.
fwdude - the seemingly apolitical gays are just there to cover for the radical ones, just like Muslims!
I also know some quiet gays who mind their own business and one who even votes Republican.
But, like the 'peaceful Muslims,' lift not the smallest voice in protest when radical homoNazis sue a cake business out of existence.
They are just as complicit!
TheTimeOfMan cites some tired statistics and then argues being closeted is the healthy thing:
Homosexuality is diseased.
According to studies by major (liberal) universities:
Murder rate is 10-20 times normal. (TIMES not percent).
Suicide rate is 20 times normal.
Serious disease rate is 20 times normal.
It is destructive physical, mentally and spiritually. It is destructive to the culture. It is expensive.
The behavior should, at the very least be shamed and pushed back into the closet. Not embraced.
VanDeKoik, though, wants any support he can get:
So people that are actually trying to help defeat the fricking left should be rejected?
How about for every one of them you can round up some of these better Christians to get off their ass and pull their weight!
While you have a Milo putting himself out there taking the fight to these people, there are 1,000 “wholesome and biblical” folks just sitting on their butts, and shaking their fists at their screen while they pass bible quotes wondering if this is the “end times”.
If these people were doing their jobs, we would be in the position we are in now.
So to those Christians I say SUCK IT UP. You dont have the luxury of picking and choosing your allies after pissing away opportunities to keep these people out of office.
Zionist Conspirator may want to check Free Republic for those anti-Semites and neo-Nazis...
So people that are actually trying to help defeat the fricking left should be rejected?
I, for one, most certainly do. Are you implying we should welcome anti-Semites and neo-Nazis with open arms because they're against the Left???
Homosexuals fall in the same category.
Oh, and professional troll Milo Yiannopoulos was mentioned.
Zionist Conspirator? Not a fan:
Oh, yeah, I’ve been pummelled here for expressing doubt about Milo Yiannopolis.
He's a disgusting little pervert. Why would any conservative support him?
mrsmel also hates Milo, though she doesn't seem to know much about him:
Amen. I have been flabbergasted that that Milo guy, the latest sodomite "hero" for the right (not conservatives) is lauded and fawned over. This is the guy who is present at a a sodomite party which includes decorations consisting of pictures of naked, or almost naked, young (as in juvenile) boys. Is the right this desperate?
What next, if a high-profile pedophile agrees with us on the Second Amendment and lower taxes, will we embrace him because hey, we need those pedophile votes too? Let the left have them!
I thought all gays were pedophiles?
mrsmel - no compromise!
If we had just compromised on slavery, we might have avoided a Civil War. We should just compromise on baby murder.
surroundedbyblue also comes out against Milo:
I’m with you both on the Milo thing. He may be right on some things but his gayness is not welcome here. To me, the “left” includes open gays. They must all be defeated
wku man just has fun with words:
Homosexuality and conservatism are diametrically opposed. There is no such thing as a homo conservative, just like there's no such thing as a catdog, hot-cold water, or a common sense liberal.
Don't let them set the terms of the debate...if you hear someone calling someone a "gay" conservative, straighten them out on BOTH words!
Scouts Out! Cavalry Ho! God Bless Texas!
ek_hornbeck agrees the right should stop focusing on social issues. And also stop focusing on financial issues. It should become a bigotry-only party!
My objection to voters who put social issues like homosexual marriage first is the same as my objection to people who vote solely on fiscal issues like tax cuts. All worthy goals, I suppose, but there won't be any taxes to cut or moral order to impose if you don't have a functioning nation first. There's no sense worrying about the tax code when increasing parts of the country are looking more like a Central American slum with each day, or worrying about who gets to marry whom when our cities are being looted and burned by BlackLivesMatter thugs and jihadis.
areukiddingme1 cant stand the gays because he still can't stand gays in the military:
They want to be left alone?
Really, because since 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected all I have heard of is countless reasons whey “they” were supposed to be allowed to serve openly in the military.
I ask the question time and time again, “do openly gay and now openly transgender people being allowed to serve in the military, make the military a more fierce and feared fighting force?”
We all know the answer to that question is a qualified, NO!!!
But, politicians insist, for ddddiiiiiivvvvverrrrsiiiittttyyyy sake, that it must be allowed...So...what is the objective here.
Ask the question, you have one choice it is either diversity, or being the world’s most dominate, fierce, and feared fighting force, what is it?
Because you simply cannot have both. Because in most cases for every quota you fill to appease the diversity gods you are reducing your true combat warrior quota by one...Truth.
Consider this analogy, simply replace every third football player on an NFL team with a kicker or punter, how will that team do? The other 31 teams do not do have to this and they don’t have comply with that rule, honestly, how will that team do? That’s right, while kickers and punters are football players they are not usually your meanest, toughest, fiercest competitors...that team is going to get slaughtered...Truth.
What is going to happened to the US Military if we continue down the path of political correctness, that of pushing a social agenda?
All gays are the same. Because the real combat skill is...Truth.
Lent has had it with the religious moralizing now that Trump has freed us:
You want to be a prophet go down the streets and preach to the masses. Rent a tent like the guy you fawned over, the hypocrite Ted Cruz. The moral fakeman. This is a guy you supported who wasn't even a man of his word. But I digress.
mrsmel is sure social issues effect lots of people, like these three anecdotes!
It's affected quite a few people, like the woman who was refused the ability to finish her psychology degree because she felt that as a Christian, it would be better if she referred homosexuals to other psychologists (she was also forced to leave the college),
or the fireman in Georgia who lost his job over his self-published writings which quoted the Biblical injunctions against homosexuality, on his own time and under his own private aegis.
Or the CEO who was forced out of his own company when it became known that he donated to support Proposition 8 in California, opposing homosexual marriage. When it comes to free speech, the militant homosexuals and their enablers are no better than the Nazis.
Christianity has been kicked out of public school, but the militant homosexuals are trying mandate that children as young as grade school be taught the homosexual agenda. But "they just want government out of their bedrooms".
free_life is another who thinks politics is to win votes, not souls:
Start a ‘All Sinners Out Of GOP’ group.
Homosexuals, fornicators, adulterers, liars, theives, all sinners, then there will be a pure party of zero!
Neither gays nor the gay agenda was being cheered at convention, they were cheering the all gays must vote Democrat bs.
It is a political party not a church....BTW churches are full of sinners too!
Hey, it's
Twinkie! She's all live and let live. And vote Trump, who is well known to live and let live:
We are more aware of the Democrat strategy of DIVIDE AND
I do not believe in being a queer. I believe the Holy Bible
teaches against it.
As long as a person does not wag queer in my face, America is a free country of free people.
Until Christ returns to perfectly govern this planet, NO
GOVERNMENT OF MAN will ever be able to govern perfectly.
I am NOT NOT, I REPEAT, NOT voting for Hillary Clinton.
I WILL also NOT sulk at home on Election Day. I will walk
barefooted over rough gravel to get to the polls and cast
longfellowsmuse laments that there is not Christian theocratic party anymore, almost as if America has a secular government:
Christianity truly doesn’t have a home with either political party, it seems.
Our country has turned it’s back on God in favor of a secular world view.
Reagan understood political battles to be spiritual battles. How many self professed political conservatives truly believe in the existence of evil and believe America to be “One nation under God?”
surroundedbyblue knows Jesus was not very accepting:
Jesus preached to the sinners, he didn’t promote, accept, and condone their sin. Big difference.
And if it's a gay thread, you know you need
miss marmelstein to show up with the sort of story so unbelievable I kinda wonder if she's a gay guy long term troll:
But I live in NYC where I see gay guys every day - with their adopted girls and boys dressed like little cabbage patch dolls. Charming perhaps until - as I once witnessed - a vicious meltdown occurred when one little girl pee’d on her daddy’s Ralph Lauren blouse. Chilling, to say the least.
I see the signs on their establishments that say “If you don’t believe in gay marriage don’t enter this store.” (So much for their vaunted tolerance!) And, of course, the gay pride parade and worse, the West Village Halloween parade.