Friday, February 24, 2012


Freeper Veritas2002 asks for hard proof Obama is a Communist.

Here is what happens:

j_tull is not too helpful on the evidence front:
Yes - Settled Science.
I guess he believes in global warming and evolution as well, then!

G Larry has a list of things he the Obama who lives in his head has done:
1-Doesn’t like the Constitution,
2-Doesn’t like the other two branches of gov’t getting in his way,
3-Doesn’t like Capitalism,
4-Doesn’t like Industry,
5-Promotes centralized gov’t run healthcare,
6-Disinterested in a strong nat’l defense,
7-Disinterested in protecting our borders,
8-Promotes gun control,
9-Undermines the free exercise of religion and free speech,
If there’s a better example of “communist” behavior, I’d like to see it.
My favorite is #6.

Red Badger has a list of Obama's history, as seen by Freepers:
Yes he is.
He was conceived by communists.
He was raised by communists.
He was tutored by communists.
He sought out and had relationships with communists all throughout his formative years.
His autobiography was co-written by a communist.
His administration has hired many noted communists.
His tactics and political actions are definitely communist.
Need more?..........
navymom1 provides hard proof - Obama's Judges aren't Freepers
As democrats saddle every life experience negatively to Republicans, this is fair play for Obama and his party.

Veritas2002 wants hard proof however. ObamaCare. It will destroy private insurance and as it’s doing presently, it will whittle away our freedom of religion and speech. But because of Obama’s Communist associations, he knows that the key to controling people is health care. More proof is Obama’s recess appointments that have ignored the Constitution; his packing the Supreme Court with two women who hold his Communist views. I’m not going to dig up quotes by the Wise Latina woman or Keagan who actively worked and rooted for ObamaCare. But it’s out there.

Obama hides behind his facade and the media will always allow this never digging deeper because to do so would harm their guy.
red-dawg knows all Democrats are Commies. I'm sorry, COMMIES!
The entire democRAT party is COMMUNIST. They showed their true colors when they voted against the will of the people on Commiecare by shoving down our throats. Obama is the head of that party, therefore he is a f@#$ing COMMUNIST.
Wildbill22 media? Also Commies:
For all the above stated reasons, of course he is a communist.

The only question is if our media is also communist since they clearly have avoided any sort of investigation into this as well as any other legitimate issue with Obama.

But no matter how much they may fit every definition of the term communism, you can bet that Obama and the media will avoid association with the term.

Heck, they don’t even want to switch back to the color ‘red’ for political party election recognition which traditionally switched every couple elections. That association (red/communist/democrat) would be just a little too close and obvious.
PetroniusMaximus has fun with words:
(Commun)ity Activ(ist) = Communist
stonehouse01 finds proof in Obama going on vacation:
He’s trying to redistribute wealth with the purposeful end result that everyone is equally impoverished. He also wants to oversee a ruling party of elites (himself) who are free to vacation and spend on the taxpayers backs. (Michelle’s ski vacation right now - her 16th vacation in less than 4 years is an example of this.)
Mozilla loves him some fancy jargon!
He’s a Neo-Marxist Statist. He support Democratic socialism, but if he had his away America would be communist.
Wurlitzer has 100% irrefutable proof:
100% irrefutable proof positive he is a Marxist Communist with Maoist leanings.

My proof? He told the entire country to judge him by the people he surrounded himself with. He surrounded himself with Marxists, Communists, Maoists so CASE CLOSED he is a Marxist Communist.
The proof Obama is a Commie? Well, first assume all his friends are Commies, and then guilt by association!

Irenic works too hard:
**Debunked list of Communist Party Goals that is oddly the same as Democr4atic Party Platform.**
JimRed knows all non-Freepers are Commies.
Democrat, social democrat, socialist, progressive, Marxist, communist...all the same in differing degrees. Like a little or a lot of sewage added to your drinking water; either way, it is polluted.
Dead Corpse has it right:
Yes. I hadn’t realized this was still a debatable issue...

1 comment:

  1. There's really one one reason they think Obama's a communist and this picture explains it all:
