Thursday, February 16, 2012

how to beat Obama

With more and more good economic numbers appearing, Freepers are really beginning to get anxious that Obama might win in 2012, despite how evil everyone knows he is.

They are scrambling to figure out how to beat him if the economy continues to improve. But, as they have nothing new, it's mostly "Say the economy isn't improving"

Impy just denies all government numbers:
To say “keeps improving” implies that it’s currently improving. That is not a point we should concede.
Bigh4u2 prefers to cherry pick his statistics:
People will not believe in an economic growth until the price of fuel comes down.

Yes, making the election a referendum on drill, baby drill is a sure winner!

brownsfan has a number of plans:
How the GOP can win?

Eliminate voter fraud.

Deport about 15 million illegals.

Brokered convention to get a quality candidate.

I can dream, can’t I?
MrEdd's anecdotes beats all data!
What region of the US is improving?

Here in North Texas we are seeing another wave of semiconductor plants moving overseas. I submit the books are being cooked.
cicero2k allows there is one are where Freeper-approved growth can occur:
One exception: a boom in the sales of firearms; either to private individuals or for government sponsored export to make the second ammendment look bad.


  1. I totally stole this from a commenter at Free Republic.

    Here's Rick Santorums home page.

    If you click on Issues the very first one, the first issue is, pornography. On top of that he's been talking about “whole sexual libertine idea.” This sort of thing is not what's on the mind of the nation.

    I think Freepers were better off with Newt baggage and all.

  2. I agree completely, anonymous. Newt's a scumbag, but Sanforum is certifiably insane.

  3. If even the Freepers are worried about losing, you can expect it's going to be a landslide on the order of 1972 and 1984...
