After about a week of tough-guy intimations and pictorally suggesting Freepers go Nazi on liberals, Freeper institution Lazamataz's account seems to have been banned. And naturally, Freeper threads asking about it are being pulled.
Looking at the internet cache of the thread on him, no one seems to be taking it too seriously. And for long-term visible folks like him, it will probably be only a temporary ban.
But here are some of his recent posts. Dude needs to check himself.
re: New York's progressive mayor:
Nancy Pelosi saying something:Communists should be rounded up and given luxury accommodations.
I have a solution. It’s rather final.
Maybe he fell of the wagon. I know he has been open about his problems with addiction. Still why leave those posts up if that has to do with him being suspended...hmmmmmmm. Did anyone ping TheoldBat?
ReplyDeleteI hope not. I am fond of Laz, as mentioned before. He's got a sharp tongue and a drier and sharper (though occasionally sophomoric) wit, but a good heart is in there.
DeleteLast thread I saw Laz he was mad as hell at a guy who was sort of making excuses for not paying for his incurred debt. Laz called it theft and it escalated between the two of them. I stopped reading before the thread ended and missed it, but Laz's last post must have been a doozy. Suspended for a week.
ReplyDeleteBefore that, two opuses in two days...andyk and Joe ProBono. Think maybe JimBoy is letting old freepers back on the board to make up for the cash he is losing with the insane purges and the loss of freepers who are finally waking up to the scam.
Freepers decry calling or implying someone is gay, when that's one of their favorite sports as regards the President.
This goes way back, they have been calling Hillary Clinton gay since forever. I suppose it is their go-to insult. The trouble is that it's an insult that's lost it's luster.
DeleteFreepers should listen to more Chris Rock.
When RimJob starts banning posters that are one of the good old boys, you know the wheels are coming off the wagon.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, McCarthy is elected as the Republican majority leader. Freepers don't take it well.
Laz has been banned many times before, and he'll be banned many times in the future. I do notice, however, his profile page is intact, not the purple "account has been banned or suspended" boiler plate.
DeleteHe hasn't posted since Sunday, though, so maybe he is being given a "time out" for a few days, unable to log in.
The cynic in me smells a freepathon ploy.
The new thon will be starting July 1st (about 11 days from now), and I predict a "Bring Back Laz!" campaign, trying to get people to donate bucks to soften the Jimcompoop's heart.
There's clearly some begathon ploys going on there, the wheelfreak is feeling the pinch amd is trying to mitigate. I'm counting on it beeing too late and that he sponaneously combusts. Slowly.
DeleteHere's a typical thread of him trying to lure suckers back into the grinder:
And Laz is back already.
DeleteI love how some of the most ostensibly anti-collectivist folks on earth have created one of the most ruthlessly authoritarian online collectives on earth, with everyone constantly jockeying for position to lick RimJob's boots by trumpeting the party line and informing on their neighbors.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, being a FReeper seems a bit like being an East German under Stasi, minus the serious real-world consequences and the legitimate human emotions and the alluring commie-chic design standards.
Yep. Freepers seem to be authoritarians at heart.
Delete"the alluring commie-chic design standards"
DeleteGood one.
"fond of Laz"?
ReplyDeleteScroll to the bottom. The guy is calling out for gassing kids. Ayup, he's funny and stuff...No he isn't. Fuck him with a chainsaw.
They always ignore "jokes" like this one whenever they insist "leftists" (whatever that means, in their ever shifting code of conduct) are Nazis.
DeleteYep - Fond of Laz. I have my reasons and they go far beyond his sometimes stupidly poor taste jokes.
DeleteHe sometimes swings for satire, then enjoys poking the people who didn't get it. Personally, I don't find his post at the link any more offensive than Swift's "A Modest Proposal."
Of course, I am biased. I've read that comic and it's successor/expansion "Toxic Storm." Very good if you like very well written horror comics.