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What does Hillary have to do with...? I'm clearly thinking too hard about this. |
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Freepers are awful at propaganda |
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This one takes me back. |
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Supporting Muslims means letting them take over your country. Libtards. |
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Man, Freepers are really hearkening back to their 2009 memes this week. |
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Freepers even hate Obama exercising. |
Those exercise pictures / video which were supposedly snapped by a hotel guest are total BS, and you know it.
ReplyDeleteNot talking about his grace or technique - he's doing maints and doing them reasonably well - but the fact that his security detail is about as likely to let an unknown hotel guest into the gym as they are to let a bomb wielding maniac in.
SoP is to close the gym to the public during the time the principal is there, ad it is agreed with the hotel by the advance team. The others you see in the photos? Off duty detail, keeping fit themselves, as they are required to do.
I don't mind politicians trying to set the narrative - they are politicians and that is what they do. I do resent like hell being considered stupid.
Huh. I'll admit I hadn't cared enough to engage my cynicism, but it is quite plausible.
DeleteSuch artificial image-making is about as likely as the Secret Service screwing up.
Much more likely. Secret Service are pretty amazing people, in the main, and rather dedicated to their jobs.
DeleteThey do know how to party on their down time, too! :)
I can well understand the disenchantment with FR, but how ANYONE could support obama is beyond my comprehension.
ReplyDeleteOf course ... like all freepers, within my own ego I am the smartest person on the planet and know the best about everything.
DeleteWhy have elections? Just let me (Teku) decide what is best for the rest of us!
Project much? What about obama do you think has been good for you? What has HE done that is good for this country and not just for himself? Do you just love obamacare? Are you overjoyed that he has opened our borders so that we are being overwhelmed by homeless children and released criminals? Have you enhoyed his and his Mrs.' mukltimillion dollar vaxarions on YOUR dime?
DeleteSnark all you want. I am talking specifically about obama. Period. Name me something, anything anywhere he has done to benefit this country.
Scusa the typos. Late at night, my fingers don't see well.
Delete>Of course ... like all freepers, within my own ego I am the smartest person on the planet and know the best about everything.
DeleteYou CAN'T be serious. Great way to make friends and influence people. Insult them just like they do on greed republic. You sound so much like them it's almost supernatural.
He repealed don't ask don't tell for one thing
DeleteSo what branch of the military did you sign up for?
DeleteHey, Teku! Always fun to have contrary opinions here.
DeleteYour question was about helping this country, not Anonymous.
Closing the health care donut hole ain't nothing either.
Do I think Obama is an amazing revolutionary figure that is bringing America to the light? That was never my thing. But compared to McCain and Romney, I'm satisfied.
"So what branch of the military did you sign up for?"
DeleteOh look, a gay joke, isn't that clever?
Teku, you have never served. You have not earned the right to make jokes concerning your betters. Go back to watching Fox News and let the real men, whatever their sexual orientation, protect you.
LOL You couldn;t be more wrong if you tried. Been there. Done that. And damn well I might add. Keep chewing and your leg will disappear. Why are you so defensive? And rude,. And trying to assign me the life you think I live/d when you have no earthly idea?
DeleteOzy, all three of them scared the bejesus outta me. Both parties are so corrupt you can't trust anyone anytime for anythiing. I don't think any of them would have ended up differently than the way it is.
DeleteNo one with any sense puts stock in the claims of a semi-anonymous internet poster. Teku, I'm sure you are directly related to bigfoot too.
DeleteI don't care about your unsubstantiated claims. No one does.
Lol, the soviet propaganda posters...of course freepers don't understand kitsch.
ReplyDeleteJaden Smith Cast As Trayvon Martin in Will Smith Produced Film
I know that when I want the hard hitting facts, I seek out sites like News Nerd, the source for this article. Let's look at some of their other headlines -
"58-Year-Old White Grandma Arrested For Knockout Game"
"Aretha Franklin Trips Over Left Breast, Files $10 Million Lawsuit"
This sort of thing is what makes conversing with your Republican friends so difficult. Out of the blue they will say something that is just nuts, something they got from Rush Limbaugh or Fox News, something that just isn't true.
Wgst unsubstantiated claims might those be? You are the one who keeps making claims for which you have no grounds, All I have done is ask tiy some wuestions and all I have received in return is snark and sarcasm. No one cares, huh? Then why post at all, right? And bye the bye, I don't care if you don't care. I hope you don;t have athlete's foot.
ReplyDeleteThough, from your typos/ bad grammar, I believe you are already drunk this morning, I will answer a few of your "wuestions" ...
Delete1) Affordable Care (aka Obamacare)
----- yes, I love it.
----- yes, tens of millions of Americans across the nation love it.
----- yes, tens of millions of republicans and Fox News listeners and Rush Limbaugh listeners and Duck Dynasty watchers love it, though they pretend not to.
2) Vacations
----- people (including first family memebers) take vacations.
----- people (including the first family) have a certain budget for vacations they cannot exceed.
----- Republican first families, as well as Democrat first families have the same budget for vacations.
3) Illegal immigrant adults and children
----- Republican politicians, conservative big agri-business concerns, and other conservative big industrial concerns are the driving forces behind illegal immigration.
Republicans frustrate any meaningful immigration reform or methods to reduce illegal immigration, because they like things just as they are now.
And Obama has deported record numbers of illegal immigrants. Whether you think that's a good thing or not, it's still a fact.
DeleteOver the years we have had a lot of angry Republican drunks posting here. And the thing is that you can tell that they aren't all that smart even when they are sober.
DeleteActually, Freepers are pretty smart, if you disregard the Robinson faithful. I'll give you that the ranks of smart Freepers are thinning, just as the ranks of really moronic leftists are swelling.
DeleteSince you seem so hung up on smarts: could you give me your IQ? Old school would be good enough. I really doubt there are many Mensa candidates on here, pedestrian as that is. Judging by old FR demographics, it may still have an edge on you ;).
But then again, Birdman Bryant made it in. So it's not really select company.
The "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds...." quote has been absolutely debunked. Nowhere in his books does it say anything like that! Sooo not surprisingly, Freepers are wrong yet again.
ReplyDeleteWell actually it does say something like that, although it does not mention Muslims specifically:
Delete"In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific reassurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." [source]
In other words, we're not going to round all American Muslims up and put them in internment camps. Apparently, Freepers think internment camps are a good idea, as long as white people aren't the target.
He may have said it in an interview too, but that's a quote from page 261 of The Audacity of Hope.
DeleteThat reminds me of something I saw about 1-2 years after 9/11. Ted Koppel was still hosting Nightline and had a town hall meeting consisting of average joes from around the country. A white housewife was said she was okay with (I'm paraphrasing here) rounding up all people the government saw as possibly being a terrorist and putting them in jail. When Koppel asked "Are you concerned with accidentally putting innocent people in jail" she said that that would be a sacrifice needed to ensure the safety of Americans. Then he asked her "What if the government thought you had the potential to be a terrorist and put you in jail?" She replied "They wouldn't". When asked how she knew this her straight-faced reply was "Because I'm not a terrorist". I literally sat there in disbelief that she was unable to see her own hypocrisy. In her mind, terrorists equaled turban-wearing, brown-peoples and since she was a white housewife, there was no way the government would mistake her or her family and friends for terrorists. I believe that the majority of Americans still feel that way. That was the point I realized most Americans are unable to see past there own fears, beliefs and prejudices.
DeleteIn the interview he was all about the muslims. So if your page 261 quote is *not* about muslims, there is no debunking to be had from the book. I'll look it up. I was silly enough to buy both these things, but have managed to hold off on the inane children's books.
DeleteYou said, "Nowhere in his books does it say anything like that!" Obviously, the quote from the book is something like that. Not specifically about Muslims, but it's implied that they would be part of the group of Americans he would stand with. Again, I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
DeleteLol. The endless bickering dialectic of finding someone who said something, is it? Give it up, would be my advice. It's already established that the book quote is basically the same only slightly differently worded. Just to give you a hint of how far out on your limb you are: you don't know what is on Youtube at this moment, far less eight years ago. Ditto for press mentions, fox news, abc, msnbc and a couple thousand other news outlets.
DeleteOf course, the temptation to cite politically owned outlets doing "fact checking" may be overwhelming in order to support Mr. Obama, but outside of the most mulish leftist circles that shit is falling down. The latest to realize is a guy I personally detest, but at least he's not stupid: Noam Chomsky will tell you that Obama is systematically dismantling American civil liberties as they have been built up over the last couple hundred years. But you'll probably feel more at home in Zimbabwe :).
So your response is "Some guy said things are getting worse". Got it!
DeleteTerrible, innit? You're basically standing out there in driving rain believing you're dry because some halfwit told you the skies are clear.
DeleteIt's called magical thinking, and the choice of all primitives. You really should be a Freeper.
Poor Freepers, what a sad and sorry life it must be for them.
Delete"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds...."
Any kid with a smart phone can deny the veracity of this in less than a minute.
(the quote from an interview isn't found anywhere)
Deleteanonfreeper: well you know... it's out there and anyway it doesn't matter if it's there or not it is not important, anyway Obama totally said that and it means he is a radical Muslim and therefore he is turning the USA in a huge gulag.
Teku, it is time for you to go back to AA, buddy.
ReplyDeleteIdiot. I know I saw it, just not what channel it was on. You'll have to forgive me if the loon didn't make that deep an impression back then :).
ReplyDeleteWhat seems to be beyond your paygrade is that the internet doesn't contain the sum total of human knowledge. Kids with smartphones who think they can verify or deny something in moments on the internet probably have phones far smarter than they are.
Is it Obamafones?
The internet may not contain the sum total of human knowledge, but things like presidential interviews tend to be among those thing that the internet does catalog and keep for a very long time.