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The spite for their own party continues to grow. |
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Guys, guys! Don't let go of your Cruz hate yet! |
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Curious mix of loser and yet also sinister. Also, can you trust a man this shiny? |
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More and more, it seems Freepers think only villains can capture Trump's badassness. |
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Liberals turn cities into one single run-down building! |
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The dangers of strawmanning: according to this cartoon, Freepers share beliefs with jihadis, but get none of the liberal love! |
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So many historical massacres are rationalized with this genocide them before they genocide you logic. |
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Speculative Obama breaks loose, rampages through history! |
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Freepers continue to lament how hard it is being the dominant majority. |
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Sarah Palin. 'nuff said. |
I hate to have to break it to ya'll;
ReplyDeletebut, the stuff ya'll have been buying
for years is labeled "cinnamon", but it
is NOT cinnamon. It is TREE BARK that
sort of smells like cinnamon. :o(
Butt, now ya'll can get TRUE CINNAMON
from Ceylon. (It is not all the expensive
either!) I order FANG'S TRUE CINNAMON
CAPSULES from Ebay; and also get just
plain TRUE CINNAMON in the powdered form
to use in our French toast.
That derned old fake tree bark cinnamon
(really called by another name) can also
cause some physical problems. NICE! :O(
Well, that's about all ya'll can take
for now. I had more; but ya'll are too
wussy to be able to stand it.
GIT A LIFE! Go over & critique the
horrible language on D.U. Every other
word is the "F" word. I am SERIOUS!
D.U. is going to H-E-double hockey stix
in a handbasket; and ya'll are busting
a gut critiquing F.R.
It is sad. :o(
Disclaimer: TWINKIE does not sell TRUE
DeleteCINNAMON; so she has no financial
interest in pushing TRUE CINNAMON.
TWINKIE can still not get BOO-BOO to
take her DIATOMACEOUS EARTH, nor her
GARLIC POWDER sprinkled in her food -
not even turn in oil. DUBBERS will
slurp down ANYTHING, no matter how
Dogs are allergic to quite a few
things; so you have to be careful.
This morning; there was a teeny-tiny
little mouse in the bathroom hiding
behind the trash can. The heifer
scurried into the side of the paneling; only her tail was left
sticking out in plain sight. HOW
I'm sure it is Mrs. Tittlemouse's
little great-great-great-great-great-
grandchild; so I don't have the heart
to do anything to it. I DID set a
little Hav-a-Hart trap for it & baited
it with cheese. When it springs; I
will haul her little BUTT way down in
the edge of the woods where I spread
the colored cat food yesterday.
TWINKIE'S life is hard!! Butt, her
life is FAIR!
Dearest TWINKIE, you seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that everyone reading this blog is motivated by a political ideology. Not so.
DeleteThe reason I ignore DU is because it is essentially boring and juvenile. It lacks the extreme insanity and consistent "wrongness" that makes FR special.
That is the power of the "ZOT". Rim's decade long ideological eugenics program has nurtured FR into a pure, almost crystalline, distillate of bigotry, fear, cowardice and lunacy that is unmatched at any other point on the political spectrum.
Silencing alternative viewpoints leads to generations of ideological inbreeding and any livestock farmer can tell you what happens to a "pure bred master race": accumulation of defective memes to the point that every belief system is retarded, corrupted and fatally dysfunctional.
That's why I read FR. Its a freak show. Extraordinary, deformed intellectual mutants exhibited to the public for ridicule and amusement.
A bit unfashionable in the modern "caring" era I guess. One isn't supposed to mock the afflicted after all. However I'm a bit of a social conservative like that. If it was acceptable 250 years ago (like the Constitution) then I don't see any problem with it today. I'm sure Freepers agree!
Pls talk more about your father's experiences in the early space program, that short block of rambling from yesterday was pretty interesting.
DeleteDaddy first went to Redstone to work
Deleteon a maintenance crew doing carpentry
work. (The various buildings down
there had to be maintained, just as
your house has to be if you don't
want it to fall down around your ears.)
He had been a soldier in WWII & had
battle fatigue from that. He was
older than most of my classmates'
fathers were.
He got his hands dirty working at
his job & he did an honest day's
work for a day's pay. Before he
retired from down there, he did
more procurement of building
materials & supplies because he
knew where to find good stuff cheap.
Also, like me, he talked a lot; so
his supervisor liked him, but had to
give him a long leash as "Radio"
would talk their ears off. Daddy had
come from Milan Arsenal with that
same crew to Huntsville, AL for the
space program.
I worked one summer after graduation
typing work orders for the Valve Unit
on the Saturn V Project. I'd never
typed on an electric typewriter &
what we had down there were the snap
on IBM Selectric balls that had sort
of Greek symbols I'd never seen before in my life! It was a miracle
I typed those orders! Five years later, when that Saturn V rocket
blasted off for the moon; I was SO
nervous I'd done something stupid
that would wreck the whole project.
When Armstrong stepped onto the moon;
I felt a bit of relief - but even more when they finally returned
safely! I prayed I hadn't done
something stupid.
Anyway, we weren't big shots down
there. I had been given tours of the
indoor pool where the astronauts
trained & a whole bunch of stuff I
didn't really understand. Von Braun
would ride in on his little golf cart
with some other scientists on the
concrete floor below where the welders were welding the rocket
pieces together. I'd sometimes be
on break & didn't really think much
about seeing history right before my
Many of the parts of the thing could
not be contaminated by handling with
the naked hands. So, there was an
enclosed clean room where workers
had to stick their hands into heavy
gloves that stayed in the clean room.
Workers sat at the glassed-in stations & worked on the various
parts. It took so MANY parts! We
were just the VALVE UNIT. I don't
even know how many other units were
There was a sign on-site "WHAT YOU
I did & somehow we made it. I even
had dreams of being on a space shot
to the moon - NOT that I actually
WANTED TO go; but it sticks with you.
I'll shut up. TWINKIE
Seems very similar to the work I do in modern day with explosives (the clean rooms and stuff.) My mother used to type manuals also back in the day (80s, I'm one of those hated millenials). I think she worked for the Army Corps of Engineers.
DeleteThank you for your time. Take a break from FR, the place is a nuthouse these days.
Daddy's sister worked at Milan
DeleteArsenal during the Korean War on
the munitions mfg. belt. One day,
a defective shell got past the
inspectors. Everybody ran out in
terror. Aunt Mary ran back in &
stopped the belt at the controls
before it reached the point where it
was going to blow up & take a few
buildings with it. She got a
When my dad was in the Army Infantry
in Italy, one of the new guys jumped
up on a wall below Cassino. He was
running & jumping acting up. Daddy
reached up to pull him down because
of the German snipers stationed at
Cassino. Daddy said, "GET DOWN!" but
was too late; the guy was mortally
wounded. Daddy had already seen combat & had an excellent CO, Captain
Theodore Noon. Cap'n Noon was tough
as nails! A German officer shot him
in the neck AFTER he had already had
one of his legs shot off by a German
machine gunner. The enlisted men,
Daddy always felt for them a bit; but
the Nazi officers he had no use for
them. - War leaves its mark on lots
of people. LOTS & LOTS of them.
DeleteLooks like he was a smart guy. I'm sure he was a good CO.
Munitions handling used to be even more dangerous than it is now. There's a lot more safety regulations these days. They get tiresome sometimes but on the other hand theyre a lot better than being blown up by accident.
Anyone else enjoying the almost daily #nevertrump are not welcome postings from Jim? Dissension must be cutting into the thon bottom line.
ReplyDeleteHa! Thanks for sharing the insanity :)
DeleteTrying not to steal any thunder from future Saturday pix. But I couldn't let this one slip by us.
DeleteNaw, I hadn't seen it yet. We'll see if they spam it all this week, that's usually how the pics make it in (though this was awesome enough it's in regardless.)
DeleteFreepers on zika virus, it's a scam by the WHO don't you know....