Friday, June 25, 2010


Someone writes about the possibilities of a coup. Freepers, who want a coup for them but secretly want a coup against them (thus proving their paranoia correct), just start fantasizing.


Obama only barely had legitimacy in the eyes of the American public when he took office, and what perceived worthiness he had to "rule" has slid downhill ever since. The Emperor definitely has no clothes, and even the Dems see it, though most are too horrified to talk about it.


Just announce that because of the economic crisis and national debt, all government welfare programs would be cut.

Then sit back and watch the cities start to burn.
vanilla swirl
1. Collapse power grid nationwide using placed operatives
2. Martial law declaration to protect people and property from threat, restrict freedom and movement
3. Grab control of media outlets in order to stop rumors and spread of fear (and silence opposition)
4. Remove political opposition in the ensuing chaos and media blackout”

1. So many possibilities there, the Chinese have already penetrated the networks. I had an interesting discussion over the weekend with a retired power plant worker. He said that a few years ago the plants were automated with computer systems taking out human decision making. The people who know how to run the plants without the computer systems are gone now. That’s not even considering an EMP attack (read One Second After for a scenario) or even a 1859 Carrington event (Google it).
3. The laws are in place now to implement that (partly tanks to Bush).

Jim Noble

The universal franchise is the problem. The military is one of the possible solutions (though quite an unlikely one, IMO).

Nobody who understands jacksh*t respects the voter - and they are perfectly right.
A coup in October in order to hold on to power would be widely perceived as a bad mistake. Support would be lacking.
A coup in late November to recover from Dem election losses would be widely seen as a move of desperation. Support would be lacking. But a coup in September? Because of the collapse of the US banking system? Because of the failure of the Euro and the skyrocketing cost of gold? Well, yeah, perhaps emergency powers would be a good idea! Hell, yeah -- Obama to the rescue!!!!

On topic, I wrongly predicted the coup to take place around July 23, 2009. That was 6 months plus a day or two from inauguration and was about as long as I thought the Messiah would be tolerated. Perhaps I got the year wrong. Maybe 2010?

The coup will be action by the Praetorians. Like Caligula, the Messiah will be terminated and a Claudius inserted in his place. The nation will cheer.

"But then who ever thought it would be possible . . . "

. . . that Bush would hand him the torch.

. . . that all of congress knew but remained silent, giving their consent.

. . . that the Supreme Court would turn their backs and ignore the pleas of the people.

Yes, who would have ever thought.

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