Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama's hip

I am again swept up by Free Republic's recent "All Obama hate, all the time" policy.

So Obama visited an MD about his hip? Let the tired, crazy memes posing as witticism begin!

SolidWood whips out the Hitler:
Too much goose-stepping in Berlin?

indylindy goes in for the buttsex. Joke! Buttsex joke:

He must have had a secret meeting with Larry Sinclair in the limo after

A little anatomy lesson for indylindy,

Hips Do Not Equal Assholes.

That is all.

visualops hits us with some originality:
More likely his gym addiction is creating some problems.

Wow. Serious business. Do we want a Gym Addict as president? What if the 3am call comes and Obama's busy blasting his lats?

tiredoflaundry jumps on, but in a cool "hip" way:
How ironic!! B Hussein & his minions keep pushing how young Barry is with the B Ball “ops”, and now we see The Young one going to the hospital because he is “sore”. LOL!

Word! Looks like Obama's "ops" are mad whack, yo!

Kirkwood knows the problem with health care prices: too much preventative care!
This is why healthcare is so expensive. BO has a little pain in his butt, so he runs off to some advanced healthcare clinic to get several thousand dollars with of testing. Yeesh!

TornadoAlley3 knows the story behind the story:
Obambi is trying to be like Tiger Woods, see look at me, I am so tough, I walked all over for a week with a sore hip and never complained.

Makes sense, since all them black folk look alike to guilty white voters.

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