Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Viva La Irrational Hatred!

Freepers are reacting in many ways to the defeat. Some concentrate on the fact that Al Franken lost his senate race. Some are rabidly defending Palin from imaginary detractors. Some are taking it out on family members who voted for Obama.

But my favorites are the John Galt types.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to:



That encapsulates this perfectly!

MrB posts a very patriotic plan:

First order of business -

everyone structure your income such that you pay as little in taxes as possible - do not finance socialism.

Second order of business :

Do NOT, I repeat NOT, buy a new car, or spend money on anything major. This will tank the economy and besides, it will keep money in your pocket.

3rd order of business... this will be controversial:

Get on all the gov’t programs that you can. Crash the system.

I'd be worried if it wasn't so ridiculous. Like an attack by a kitten or something.

knarf echoes the passive-aggressive anti-American sentiment above, except hold the passive:

No matter what he proposes, we will object. No matter what he says, we will gain-say him. No matter which direction he turns, we will criticize and deride him. No matter what authority he claims or exercises, we will sue and refuse and obstruct him.

seems to be the correct tactic now.

Infidel Puppy provides awesome resources. Well, he will provide them. Tomorrow:
Part of tomorrow's posting will be an entire library of revolutionary literature I've put together, including Art of War.

True patriots try to crash their country when the opposition is in charge!

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