Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Democratic Ideological Purity

Upon seeing Freepers' discussion of the possibility that the Democrats kick out the Blue Dogs, the Irony police have laid down their weapons and surrendered:

Little Ray
knows what would happen:

Please, oh, PLEASE kick the Blue Dogs outta the Democrat party.

No word on how kicking out all the Dems is bad, but the eternal RINO hunt is totally cool:

BobL adds some analysis:

Sure does look like a split in the Democratic Party. There is no way that they can maintain their majority if they are controlled by the extreme left. The FDR Democrats (i.e., White retirees with campers) who would vote Democrat even if it were required that they throw their kids into volcanoes first are now dying off and being replaced by independent Gen Xers,Yers, etc. - many of them straight.

I think that it’s time that the Democratic Party have a summit, led by Barney Frank, to plot their new path to maintain majority status.

The Summit led by Frank has gotta be satire, cause that Dem Summit sounds eerily like the recent GOP rebranding effort which Freepers don't like. Still, striking a bit close to home there, eh?

I'm not sure, but Cacique may wear actual blinders, like a horse. It's the only explanation for this impressive feat of projection:

The left always engages in purges, it’s standard operating procedure. It seems that once the radicals gain power, they don’t need their “moderates” any more. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of guys. History teaches, but these people never learn.

ExTxMarine has worries about the extremism that comes along with ideological purity

How in the world could the Democrat party move any further left? I mean are you suggesting out and out FASCISM?

They are already the Communist party of the US, any further left and they will be off the D@MN map!

MaxMax knows how those Dems operate:
Make them wear armbands and send ACORN to destroy their homes, cars, and confiscate their weapons,
arrest their relatives, kill their pets, and tattoo their foreheads.

1 comment:

  1. It's almost jaw-dropping how utterly clueless these people are. EQAndyBuzz says, "The RNC should actively court the 'Conservative Democrats' and request that they change parties. A good guilt trip can move it along a bit." Does he not recognize that these conservative Democrats are pretty much the same as the RINOs they're always screaming about?
