Friday, June 26, 2009

Send in the Birchers? They're already here.

As Obama continues to remain in office, Freepers get more and more disaffected. Thus you get threads like this: U.N. to Emerge as Global IRS

Calls to violence abound. Like NoObamaFightForConservatives

0bama does whatever he wants. I wonder when our streets will be like Iran’s?

Some, like Czar, are more subtle:

"Wake Claire-—It’s time."

Yes, it's definitely no longer "too early".
It's folksy AND revolutionary!

And KTM rider
Impeachment is not an option, I would get arrested for saynig what i think the only real solution is
And the target isn't just the UN or jack-booted government thugs. Polarik chooses a softer target to threaten.

Just how safe and sure of themselves are the media? Do they think that they will be no repercussions from the ire of the American public they’ve abused, used, and lied to?

Seriously. Think about it.

Though I have to say these sound more like reaffirmations of Freepers' rugged toughness than any actual intent to go shoot up the white house.

mojitojoe also talks a big game that I doubt he'll follow through on:
That is an easy question and you already know the answer. Claim 10, then don’t file taxes. A tax revolt is illegal but so is 99% of the things the Commie has done. Czars=seizing control and eliminating our system of checks and balances. He wants to be King of the world. He needs massive wealth to keep his manbeast wife in her 650. sneakers.
Finally Fred Hayek unknowingly sums up the whole attitude of the thread:
This nation is turning into the new Soviet Union. Egads, the John Birchers were right all along!
And you wonder why you guys are marginalized? Birchers are like the definition of the crazy extremists!

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