Friday, June 19, 2009

Shoes and Flies, Then and Now


Gotta hand it to W for the way he reacted to it - ducked quickly, and even seemed kind of amused at it. Can you imagine what Peanut or Zero would have done?

That was the cool George Bush - where has he been all these years?
I suspect he learned that trait young. The smug look on his face was great. “you missed me try again”
Rodney Dangerfield

Obama would have been clocked by the shoe thrower as his eyes would have been locked on a teleprompter.

Bush handled this with dexterity and grace.

Sadly, many here in the US were disappointed that the thrower didn’t hit his target.



Who are they kidding?

Hussein looked like a little old woman.

Iron Munro

His first confirmed kill.

I think I caught my first fly when I was about 8 years old. Unfortunately, the press didn't capture it, so I guess I'm not a superhero.

You know what? I distinctly remember the press in China saying all these things about Mao.

His cat-like quickness. His suppleness. ~Ad naseum.

Take a bit of leafing through stuff, but I can find it.

This is massively creepy.

I'll let coconut47 say what I was going to:

OMG! My head is going to explode. When is this going to stop!Do they actually not realize how stupid they look.

Indeed; Indeed.

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