Friday, January 25, 2013

Spotlight Friday: strategerist

Doctor_TeethMD pointed to this guy as a liberal Freeper. I can't tell if he is, 'cause he's too busy being nonpartisan. He is clearly, frighteningly sane. Pragmatic even.


Sorry, serial killers aren't all Democrats:
And where's the evidence that Holmes worked on the Obama campaign?

I found one uncredited blog post with no sources supposedly talking about Holmes working for the Obama campaign, that honestly just seemed to be a nutball conservative's fantasy.

Other than that, a couple people excitedly linked to public campaign donation records claiming that Holmes donated to Democrats, but all I saw were a bunch of "James Holmes" that obviously were NOT him based on geography, job, etc.

What happened is that a lot of people on the Right were just making up stuff about Holmes to make a point about the nonsense about him being part of the Tea Party, but then other stupid people were taking THOSE claims and treating them like they were real.
Sorry, "shut that whole thing down" guy wasn't an electoral winner:
Mourdock and Adkins statements were pounced on by the media, twisted, perverted and made a ridiculous cause celebre

They were pre-twisted, and didn't require the media to do the twisting. If Romney had supported Mourdock and Akin, he would have lost by 2-3% more than he did.
Sorry, America doesn't mind abortion
You’re overlooking the completely different questions in the two polls; Gallup was asking if people identify THEMSELVES as “Pro-Choice” and “Pro-Life” - the polls in this thread are asking people for their opinions on specific laws and policies.

Many people who don’t feel comfortable with identifying themselves as “Pro-Choice” support Pro-Choice policies.

A related or separate issue is how you ask the same question; if you asked “Should women be allowed to murder their unborn babies?” you’ll get mostly no answers; ask the EXACT SAME sample “Should women have the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy?” you’ll get mostly yes answers.
More on this thread later, BTW.

Sorry, you can't tell a person is evil by looking at their photo:
The dead eyes of a psychopath.

Not this nonsense again. You're taking pictures of KNOWN likely psycopaths and "judging" their eyes.

You'd be a complete failure at picking out a psychopath's picture out of 9 othe pictures of non-psychopaths, as long as you didn't know which one was the psycopath beforehand.
Sorry, video games don't cause violence.
According to ABC radio news, the kid was really into violent video games like Call of Duty etc.

The problem is literally (I'm not exaggerating) EVERY SINGLE 15 year old male in the developed world is into violent video games. Thus every single one that commits a crime will have been into them. Just as every single one that commits a crime will have worn pants. Doesn't mean wearing pants causes violence.
Sorry, Sarah Palin is not the answer:
Sara. The Anti-Hillary.

You're quite correct - in the sense that Sara is either widely hated, or not taken seriously, and Hillary is enormously popular.

Keep in mind I'm talking about the voting-age population as a whole, not posters on FR.
Sorry, the French aren't cowardly:
Look, the French government can be annoying, but the “surrender” jokes are both ill-informed, and old and tiresome after a while.

I suggest you read “The Price of Glory: Verdun 1916” by Sir Alistair Howe and then see if you feel like mocking French troops. They spent 10 months successfully defending one city in the most horrific conditions imaginable, suffering over 500,000 casualties.
Sorry, Republicans aren't all that popular:
OTOH, the GOP could lose the House in 2014.

Something that went completely unnoticed was that overall there were 1 million more Democrat votes for House candidates than Republican in 2012.
The reply: Lots of Dems voted for Obama, but not down ticket, haw haw!

Sorry, pornography isn't evil:
You’re trying to apply a set of sexual moral standards from when people were getting married at 15 or 16; we’re never, ever going to go back to that.

And actually what porn is probably replacing is prostitution; back in the “good old moral days” that was rampant, despite whatever you might imagine.
The reply: Moar Bible and also moar Lesbians!

Sorry, Christianity isn't the secret to a strong military:
Have you ever noticed, how the first thing to go when a nation turns its’ back on God is the military?

Like how the Western Roman Empire's military went to pot after the Empire converted from paganism to Christianity?
The reply? "Roman Christians killed Jesus, so they don't count."

Sorry, there is not some school shooting conspiracy:
And to all you flamers - honestly, how many times does something have to happen at such ‘perfect’ timing before you smell a rat?

There have been plenty of small-scale "group" (rather than mass) shootings on school campuses, ranging from murder-suicides to 3-4 people wounded or killed. ALL of them are proclaimed to have "perfect timing."

The reality is that there are enough of these that they happen with some regularity, so that one will always be close to some date or issue relating to gun control that someone perceives as significant, through pure randomness.

And as I mentioned deviations from randomness creating unusually closely-spaced sequences of such events (mind you, even if they are completely random you will still get closely-spaced sequences of incidents) are easily explained through copycats.
The reply: WHOOSH

Patiently and unceasingly pointing out how crazy Freepers' theories are, his impossible quest continues...


  1. "Have you ever noticed, how the first thing to go when a nation turns its’ back on God is the military?"

    When has that ever happened? The Germans abandoned God and started picking a fight with the Catholic Church at the exact same time that their military spending went through the roof, and they invaded the countries around them. The Russians largely abandoned religion from the public square, and became the chief military rival to the US.

    1. Shhh, you'll ruin their narrative

  2. I like this guy, regardless of whether we agree on politics. I really hope he's an actual conservative rather than an unusually successful lefty troll.

    I'm probably a bit to the left of Marx, politically, but like a lot of people on both sides of the aisle I'm tired of everyone screaming that everyone else is "evil." I like the idea of people being able to talk things over and compromise, even if it means I don't get the exact political system I want.

    Sometimes, I think we could fix the political system by denying the vote to anyone who uses the word "sheeple" non-ironically.

  3. Sarah Palin Out At Fox News Channel


  4. "Yep, the Romans weren’t worthy of God’s grace after having killed his Son"

    Yeah, because it's the Romans' fault that God sent Jesus down to get killed... just like it's Judas's fault that God made him betray Jesus. Oh wait, God's responsible for both of them.

    1. Basil: "I suggest you don't worry about those things and just enjoy yourself.

      That goes for you all, too."

  5. This guy is one drop of sanity in an ocean of crazy.

  6. It's surprising he has not been bounced. He's right about video games. If they caused violent behavior the the streets would be running with blood. Does anyone know a male under 30 who has NOT played a lot of video games?

  7. Part of me wants to contact this guy, just to tell him he has my respect for trying to bring a drop of sanity to the mix.

  8. Strat isn't a liberal. He is a Republican. It is just that FR has become such a cesspool of Stormfrlite minus the hate for Israel, Troofer nutjobs and general all around who can be the most crazy poster that he is outside of the general community dynamic. Although people using actual facts and dispelling political myths and propaganda are rare in any politically based online communities (right,left etc).

    My .02 anyway. He is a good dude.

    And FR 2013 is a very ugly place.

  9. "Strategerist" has been one of my better internet friends since about 1996 or so. He's a fellow alum of an Ivy League university and, not surprisingly, was on their debate team. He's one of the funniest, most logical people I've ever encountered (but never met F2F). He skewers idiocy with his unwavering logic, often sprinkled with sarcasm.

    Ted, I made him aware of this post, so I'm sure he'll read the comments as well.

    1. He may be fighting a losing battle, but he's no idiot. I'm with Ozy, we need more people like him in the GOP.

    2. I'm in DC so my general election vote doesn't count. I voted for Gary Johnson, in the hope that libertarians could get that 5% and become a bit of a threat to the GOP, perhaps forcing them to widen their tent a bit.

      No such luck.

    3. "Tilting at windmills is an English idiom which means attacking imaginary enemies. The word “tilt”, in this context, comes from jousting.

      The phrase is sometimes used to describe confrontations where adversaries are incorrectly perceived, or to courses of action that are based on misinterpreted or misapplied heroic, romantic, or idealistic justifications."

      I agree that Don Quixote correctly describes voting libertarian.

  10. Strat is a hero for both trying to bring some sanity to FR and for not being zotted for it. What good are Zot's against balls that big anyway?
