Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Accusations of racism made me racist...

Via Anon

An article saying racist rhetoric is on the rise since Obama came into office sets Freepers off protesting that they aren't racist, its just those blacks keep being feral and hating whitey!

jughandle knows blacks voted for Obama not because he was a democrat, but because he was black!
” More than 90 percent of African Americans voted for President Obama in 2012. “

As has been said, WHO is racist?
C. Edmund Wright thinks all white people will soon hate American blacks:
These idiots are going to actually create about 120 million racists where there are none now....they should be careful what they seem to wish for.....
Everything 2ndDivisionVet knows about black people, he learned on reality TV:
It'd be hard not to watch Extreme Pawn a reality show set in Detroit, and not become something of a bigot after a season or two. My Lord! Have you seen it? LOL
Regulator smugly notes that only white people invent things!
Cracks me up to see idiots like [the author] babbling about how we all is gonna take over.

That car you drove to the studio? Designed and built by which guy from Zimbabwe, Zerlina?

The studio itself: name the Mexican inventor of the CCD cameras, the transmitter amplifiers, the audio receivers and recording system, Zerlina.

What? You say you can’t name such....because they don’t exist?

But we’re all supposed to be a askeered of the big bad Angry Non-whites and their righteous rage over...other people’s achievements.

And we better get with the program RIGHT NOW and vote them into power so they can get all that bling’n’stuff cuz’ we just have too much and they have so little.

It’s beyond hilarious to listen to mental midgets like her. She lives in a paradise created by intellects far beyond her - and understands nothing about it, taking it for granted.
andy58-in-nh does some academic wanking and then advises challenging liberals to a fight:
Progressives do not any longer allow for honest disagreement with their beliefs, policies or actions. Instead, they ascribe bad motives to others, where none exist. Because their power depends upon the exploitation of group grievances, Progressives falsely accuse their adversaries of harboring hatred or ill intent toward these groups.

This strategy serves two important purposes: first, it consolidates political alliances with the target populations by reinforcing their collective sense of victimhood, and of solidarity with the Progressive movement.

Secondly, it puts the opposition instantly on the defensive, not only forced to deny culpability for fabricated wrongs, but placed in a position of having to do so as filtered through the voice of a hostile news media, almost fully in league with the Progressives.

Faced with this set of negative dynamics, my advice to conservatives in the GOP is the same as it has been for some time: call liars "liars" and don't stop calling them liars. Rail against the exploitation of groups by Progressives by explaining how they are being used for the acquisition of power and money.

And whenever the lie is told person-to-person, tell the Progressive: "if you lie about me again, I'll knock you through the wall". Most often, they will back off (I've done it more than once). If not, be prepared to fight, because we haven't done anywhere near enough of that.
Hacksaw doesn't hate black people, it's just that all liberals hate whites!
“A whopping 74 percent of Americans disapprove of the GOP’s handling of the manufactured government shutdown crisis. More than 90 percent of African Americans voted for President Obama in 2012. And other people of color backed the president as well with 71 percent of Latinos and 73 percent of Asians voting for Obama in 2012. “

Since the Democrat party is anti-White, this is not surprising. That's why they have to keep importing voters.
SPOTTEDOWL thinks it's slavery time, or something:
I wonder if this means that 98% of the plantation blacks will vote for the democrat again in the next election? Obama and Holder sure have moved race relations past the 1865 mark and going down.
Fiji Hill - if no one is actively trying to kill you for your race, it's not racism:
One might get a lesson in the real meaning of racism by going on a morning stroll through Priština, Kosovo, and saying to the first guy you meet on the street, "dobro jutro" ("good morning," in Serbian). If the stranger is an Albanian, he might pull out a gun or a knife and kill you. And the same thing might happen if the stranger is a Serb and you greet him in Albanian.
yefragetuwrabrumuy is thrilled how being a racist jackass makes people angry:
I you really want to see disturbed black people, suggest to them that January 20th, 2017 is the “end of reparations”.


  1. Why do I suspect that 90 percent of white voters voting for a white president would be treated by these geniuses as nothing more sinister than common sense?

  2. I you really want to see disturbed black people, suggest to them that January 20th, 2017 is the “end of reparations”.

    ...and by "suggest to them," I of course mean "imagine suggesting it to them, and then imagine a result that vindicates you, and then treat the imaginary result of this imaginary confrontation as Science Fact, and then take an imaginary victory lap while sitting on your hemorrhoid cushion."

  3. One might get a lesson in the real meaning of racism by going on a morning stroll through Priština, Kosovo, and saying to the first guy you meet on the street, "dobro jutro" ("good morning," in Serbian). If the stranger is an Albanian, he might pull out a gun or a knife and kill you. And the same thing might happen if the stranger is a Serb and you greet him in Albanian.

    Whereas if an Albanian simply refused to hire a Serb, or accused them all of being lazy criminals, that'd simply be racial realism or freedom of speech or the Invisible Hand or something. Thus, I'm not actually racist unless I shoot a black guy for greeting me in the street. Good to know!

    1. Speaking of Kosovo Albanians have you read of the two U.S. Mormon women who were just beat up there? Accused is a group of radicalized Albanians who've been fighting in the Syrian war and have returned back to Kosovo.

  4. "Why do I suspect that 90 percent of white voters voting for a white president would be treated by these geniuses as nothing more sinister than common sense?"

    You dumbkoff, good percentage of white voters did vote for Obama but will black voters vote for a white person if a black person is running and both were Democrat?? I doubt it.

    1. You dumbkoff, good percentage of white voters did vote for Obama but will black voters vote for a white person if a black person is running and both were Democrat?? I doubt it.

      So if we had an imaginary presidential election with two Democrats, blacks would probably vote for the black one. That's a really insightful theory you've got there. It also explains why black candidates usually win the Democratic presidential primaries.

      Look, I can do it too: If a black and a white republican were running for president, would whites vote en masse for the black guy? I doubt it! Pretty compelling argument, huh?

    2. Also, the word you're groping for is "dumbkopf." I'm not generally a pedant, but if you propose to insult me in a foreign language, you don't really deserve any slack for not knowing how to spell. After all, you could've just stuck with words you can manage, like "fag."

    3. Actually, the word is "dummkopf".

    4. Yeah the whites would probably vote for the white republican guy if the other republican was black..just as the blacks would vote for the black democrat..

      You far left libs are too stupid to realize people of both races still vote along race lines..

    5. Detroit just elected Mike Duggan for mayor. Detroit is over 80% black. Even the leader of Detroit's Black Panther Party supported him. You dummkopfs.

    6. And that's why Walter Fauntroy won the Democratic primary in 1976, instead of Jimmy Carter. And why Jesse Jackson won the Democratic primary in 1984, instead of Walter Mondale, and won again in 1988, instead of Michael Dukakis.

      You guys remember when that happened, right?

    7. Lately the comment section has become a pointless hatefeast, I think we need the comedian back to revive some intelligent discourse

  5. Regarding Andy in NH ...
    I'd be betting that the only time he's threatened to knock anybody through a wall is after a few cheap gins at his favorite dive,
    and more than likely he's been the one put through a wall.

    1. C'mon, is it even possible to be as butthurt as you are? Btw I'm not the ratface stalker

    2. He's the one using my username. He's the one who's butthurt that he lost an argument to me. I'll stop when he stops stealing my username.

    3. Really euphgeek,
      just because we're not muslims doesn't mean that you never have to wash your feet.
      Every time you take off your shoes it's like we're living in a pickle factory.
      I have to open all the windows in our apartment even in the middle of winter !

      Oh, and quit wearing my bra and panties, your moobs stretch everything out !

    4. Oh please mother ...
      You're just jealous that you could never get more than $5 for a bj, when those men happily forked over $10 for my sweet mouth.

  6. Thank you to Yed Cruz's father:
    "Pastor" Rafael Cruz.
    Is a gem:

    "... “Let’s talk about the black population.
    All the civil rights that the African
    Americans have obtained have come
    from Republicans,” Cruz said. “But you
    know what, Democrats took the
    Please keep talking.
    Please stay in the media's sights.
    Please get quoted often.

    1. Ted Cruz is dumb, but I bet he's smart enough to realize what a hurdle his own father presents to his political aspirations.

      Like Ted's first run, I expect Raphael to be gagged and locked in an attic during the next election campaign.

    2. Indeed. Can't believe they haven't locked him up already.
