Thursday, December 13, 2007

Al Sharpton's office raided

Let the backhanded racism begin!

All the big ones are falling. First Bernie Ward and now this.
There are going to have to make the jail cells larger in the Federal pen.

Yes, Bernie Ward and Al Sharpton are the biggest liberals around. Look for (dare I say it) Tsongas next!

It's Hillary's cronies sending a not too subtle hint to Barak and Oprah. Letting them know that getting too uppity can have dire consequences. Damn, am I good at conspiracies or what? ;^)

Yes, your ability to make everything racial is truly amazing. But nothing compared to some Freepers:
Most Blacks won’t find a black guilty. This is all a waste of energy, and Sharpton knows it.
That's why hardly any blacks are convicted by juries. Sorry, but blacks are not a monolithic race. In fact, that's racist. Or, as Freepers put it:
Dat’s raciss! Youse raciss!
See it's funny cause some blacks talk funny. Lets mock them all!

Then we can be angry and feel victimized when they call us racist. At which point we will post,
Dat’s raciss! Youse raciss!
And the circle continues.

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