Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Freepers do not take kindly when Gibbs says Obama is gonna be a bit Reaganesque. Gibbs likely means Obama is talking tax cuts and eliminating some government programs, but Freepers would rather take Obama down than agree with him. Hell, Obama could come out and say all the money from Social Security and Wellfare now goes to National Defense and they'd be pissed at him.

Mrs. B.S. Roberts is sure Gibbs means Obama is a good speaker.
It’s not about looking “presidential” and mimicking Reagan’s style. It’s about the content. Reagan is spinning at being compared to an empty suit. Bad policies and bad ideas delivered regally are still BAD POLICIES AND BAD IDEAS!
Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus kinda made my day with this adorable dollop of fail:

Barack, I lived during Ronald Reagan’s administration, and you are no Ronald Reagan.


Wild Irish Rogue
is like a beat poet, and makes about as much sense.
The media routinely described President Reagan as an out of touch, lazy dunce who had to take naps every day.
I can see that comparison to Barry.
Interesting that Barry always tries to assume the identity of Republican presidents.
He’s a political grave robber.
Pagey can one up that last piece of nonsens with this block of text:
This is Hilarious and Embarrassing to me as a U.S. citizen. First off, we know he believes in nothing,O.K.? HE has no "Core Beliefs" like Ronald Reagan had. (To suggest Barack Hussein Obama would even be capable of wiping Ronald Reagans boots, much less give a speech like him is a complete fallacy) Now in office just over a month, he's already sending out the succulents to say that HE is not "DOWN ON HOPE". Amazing! They couldn't possibly have considered phrasing it in any positive way now, could they? No, they couldn't. I can hear it now: "...Darn it Rahm, you get some people out there and tell them the topic is "I'm Not Down On Hope!" How truly embarrassing a position to find oneself in. At least it's happening to the biggest pedestrian on earth, our current POTUS.
Put down the meth, and step away from the cumputer, dude. Biggest pedestrian? Succulents?

al_c sees a difference:

Reagan was never condescending when he spoke to the American people. He never talked down to us. 0bama can’t help but to do that. He’s no Reagan, that’s for sure.

Condescending? I think that's just your hatred. Speaking of which, nice lack of capitalization for Obama's name. The pettiness undermines your argument quite well.

has a nuanced comment:
Pmb09 has a solution: never watch Obama on the news.
I surely WILL NOT BE WATCHING !!! I will tune in to hear Jindal talk after the blithering idiot is stops his ummmuhhhummmmdoummmmm.
Wow. What a blow against Communism!


  1. Bad policies and bad ideas delivered regally are still BAD POLICIES AND BAD IDEAS!

    Wait, I thought Freepers liked Reagan. Oh wait, nevermind, I see what he's doing there.

  2. Obama could come out and say all the money from Social Security and Wellfare now goes to National Defense and they'd be pissed at him.

    No doubt. What they called "confidence" in Bush they now call "arrogance" in Obama. Bush spoke in platitudes and they praised him for it, but Obama is the one who is an "empty suit." Bush squandered our surplus in the first few months of his presidency and they denied the surplus ever existed, but Obama tries to get us out of the financial hole we're in and they call him a "socialist," a "Marxist" and a "communist."

    At any time have the freepers ever considered not being complete hypocrites?
