Thursday, September 17, 2009

If America’s word is only good until the next election, maybe monarchy wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

The US decides it's unproved missile shield in Poland is too expensive, monetarilly and diplomatically. Freepers, who both hate everything Obama does AND want a US empire, lose their shit:

himno hero







Key words to describe his treacherous global behavior.
Failure to protect and provide for the American people and her allies. Then they want to spread the wealth to the have not nations? Poor priorities. Ill understanding of how the real world operates and a relentless drive to destroy the US and the west!

Destroyer of the American way. The man needs to be impeached.

himno hero again:

America has been the world policeman since the beginning of time at the taxpayers expense. It has provided many with safety and freedom over the last 233 years.

Obama wants to destroy that too.

Really, we were a superpower in 1776? Wow!

to this overrreach, Huck dissents, in the most ass way possible:
Screw Europe. Let em defend themselves.
Thermalseeker has connected the dots:
To please his communist buddies in Russia.

Precisely. Today marks exactly, to the day, seventy years since the Soviet Union invaded Poland. How much more blatant could you be?
NonValueAdded imagines what would happen after a missile strike in America straightens us out about a missile shield in Poland:
USAF dignitary evacuation squadron, attention to orders!

You are hereby directed to assign all potential evacuees to one of two categories: supports or does not support missile defense. Supporters will board one set of helicopters and be taken to the designated shelter facilities; non-supporters will board specially modified helicopters and be dumped into the crater. It is a more merciful death than that they'd sustain in the hands of the survivors. Carry on.
Cheetahcat is refighting the Big One:
“Stabbing our Allies in the back to appease Russia. This is disgraceful. This is like democrats leaving eastern Europe to Stalin after WWII. This is the worst I have seen yet.”

Yes FDR was the first Democrat that loved Stalin and gave him half of Germany and Europe aside from a Huge pile of Money and War material if he would have let the Nazis kill them we would not have wasted the resources and 35 years playing with the Communists.The Zero is only continuing that legacy.
Yes, if only we'd appeased Hitler even after Pearl harbor, things would be different now!

1 comment:

  1. I just knew the Freepers would go ballistic over this issue as soon as I heard about it. Glad to see that they didn't disappoint.
