Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday potpourri.

Apocalypse, among other things last week:

grey_whiskers reads a lot into the magazine article that claims Michelle Obama made up "yes we can."
1. This proves that it's really Michele running everything.

2. Which in turn proves that -- as I said in August of 2008, before the election -- Obama is whipped, and a scrawny metrosexual.

bigoil is all about pithy nonsense. He will go far in freeper politics:

Joe Biden is guilty of ‘inappropriate touching’ everytime he opens his mouth.

MestaMachine has a plan for islam:
So ... Should Muslims be excluded from all public positions on account of their religion? Should Muslims be required to wear, say, red crescents on their outer garments? Should Muslims be rounded up into camps ... for our own good?

Emphatically, YES!!!!!!!!!
islam should be banned. BANNED!
Their religion is Murder Inc. Genocide for anyone who is not muslim.
bam fired Greg Craig, clinton handler. He has CHOSEN his true master. ISLAM. Get your head out of the sand, for GOD’S sake!!!

Dixie Yooper has a novel take on the killed census taker:
Sad to say, but I think we have another name to add to the Obamacide List...
rcrngroup thinks Obama will turn us all into pillars of salt or something:

With the realization that none of us can fully understand or comprehend the sovereign will of God when it comes to evil men & nations & rulers, I really do not understand how God was willing to save homosexual, grossly immoral Sodom & Gomorrah if only 10 righteous souls were found, and in the U.S. I believe there are hundreds of thousands and even millions of truly born again Christians.

Yet our nation of America has been cast to the devil, the father of lies, 0bama, the most evil man in the world today. I really cannot comprehend that, after the prayers & fastings of hundreds of thousands & millions of concerned citizens, conservative Jews, and Christians of all faiths.

Father of lies?

Bellflower on how liberalism makes you ugly, cause of all the demons:
It sure is awful what being a leftist often seems to do to the face over time. Many leftist who start out either good looking or not too bad looking sure end up looking strange. Too bad they don’t take a step back and say “what kind of mess have I been in that caused me to end up looking strange like this?”. I believe it is the demonic control that ends up expressing itself in their flesh.
I think that's called aging, actually.

Citizen Soldier seems to think the location of Iranian nuke sites is a US secret. Or maybe he just wants to accuse Obama of treason one more time:

And why isn’t this a treasonous act, sharing our national security secrets? Is there not ONE patriot in the Congress to stand up to this kind of tyranny?

keats5 thinks Netanyahu is some kind of holy man:

In the Old Testament, God gave prophets to his people. Many listened and ignored them. They were typically tormented and killed.

However, they were never the intended audience. The Lord has always had his remnant. They were the ones who listened to the prophets and too their teaching to heart.

Perhaps Bibi is one of the remnant. And perhaps his target is to the others like him.


  1. Citizen Soldier would no doubt think it was a treasonous act if Obama didn't say anything about Iran. Then again, we all know that Citizen Soldier probably thinks Obama uses the bathroom in a manner befitting only a terrorist.

  2. I love it when people like MestaMachine spew vile and hateful crap, then someone like r9etb calls it out for being exactly like what the Nazis said and gets jumped on by the rest of the forum. One of these days the FBI or the Secret Service will just go through the forum and start gathering information to arrest every one of the Freepers. I'm actually surprised no Freepers have been arrested already.

    Oh, and also LOL @ demons of ugliness.

  3. Wow. Your brain bleach bill must be pretty high...

    Better thee than me. Eeewwwwwww!(Shudder)

    So, thanks!

    Vern from Tahuya, WA

  4. Ozy: True, but you can't talk about killing the President, though. And if the FBI or SS thinks someone may be ready to commit the crime or incite others to do so, they might start investigating them.

    Anonymous: We have a very high tolerance for far right-wing stupidity.
