Tuesday, April 20, 2010

By Request: Blacks are all criminals

Despite what some commenters think, Free Republic isn't Stormfront. Aside from the language used ("It's black culture, it's not genetic (so far as I know) vs. "It's genetic.") Stormfront is all about race. Free Republic is all about politics.

This difference can be largely academic when we have a black president though. Free Republic doesn't much care what reasoning they use to prove Obama's evil. Islam, Chicago, blackness. It's all good.

Thus, violence in Oakland has national implications:

seemoAR Thinks Obama is manipulating us into a race war via small incidents of violence:

Google “race wars of 1919” if you want to see what can happen. We are being set up for another round in the never ending war against this once free Nation. Martial Law is the intended purpose for all this nonsense.

northwinds finds proof in anecdotes, despite violent crime statistics:

I mean this is just really becoming an epidemic.....black thugs in groups walking up to people (whites and asians) and sucker punching them....kicking them in the head, etc. It saddens me to watch this country descend into a third world hell and nobody seems to give a sh##.

GGpaX4DumpedTea gets roundly criticized for this, but here it is:

Call the perps what they are - it is past cute to label ‘em ‘Amish’. Call a spade a spade, and use the ‘N’ word if you have to.

Heh, and he still doesn't have the balls to say the actual N-word.

ccmay thinks vigilantism solves everything:
The best thing that could happen to Oakland would be a revival of the tongs and triads, with brutal reprisals for this kind of thuggery.
Well, at least he didn't talk about nooses.

2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten thinks Obama is communicating with the Oakland thugs through secret black code. Cause black gangbangers love them some CNN.

A clear signal is being sent from Washington which says, in essence, “it’s open season on whites” (as well as asians etc.) No surprise that the signal is heard loud and clear. Ever since Mugabe got elected - it’s Rhodesia all over again. Big surprise, huh?

Lastly, Gilbo_3 is afraid of fists:

more proof that bare fisted perps are indeed armed...only takes one lucky punch or unlucky fall to be critical...


  1. Yeah, that's why I said that FR is "Stormfront Lite". They don't have the courage to actually say the N-word and they tap dance around their true feelings, never actually expressing them. It's just a wink and a nod instead. And at least FR removes the worst of the worst, although that's not saying much.

  2. the only difference I see between the forums is that the freeper mods "ZOT" the n-word if its spelled out.

  3. Dunno if I'd go that far. Freepers hate liberals, and some hate blacks. A plurality is willing to overlook the overt racism from their brothers in hate, only being unhappy that it might make Freepers look bad.

    Of course, like all partisans, Freepers are all pretty into stereotypes an bigotry that serves their narrative. But I see that among liberals about, say, the South, as well.

    By contrast, Stormfront hates blacks. That's why you go there. (Note that my sample size for Stormfront is a bit small which I've been to for the first time this week)

    To sum up, Free Republic is like Stormfront, only instead of blacks they have liberals.
